Larry Babsits Overnight

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Tonight Louis and Harry were babysitting Niall for us for the night.

"Hey bud, shall we go get you dressed?" I coo at him. I take him upstairs and pick him an outfit out before laying him on his changing table. I change his nappy before putting him into a white short sleeve Mickey Mouse shirt and a pair of navy blue and white striped Mickey Mouse shorts.

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"Ooh, white" Zayn chuckles once he saw what Niall was wearing

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"Ooh, white" Zayn chuckles once he saw what Niall was wearing.

"What?" I chuckle too.

"You put a cheeky 6 month old, who loves food by the way in white clothing" Zayn says but with a smile as he took Niall off me.

"Yeah, didn't think that one through, did I?"

"What was daddy thinking, huh?" Zayn tickles Niall's belly, making him laugh.

"We ready to go drop him off?" I ask Zayn as I finish up putting in any extras for Niall's bag.

"Yup, I think we're good to go" we decided to take the car so we all bundle into the car.

"We excited to see uncle Lou and uncle Haz, bud?" I coo at him. It was Niall's first night away in a smaller headspace so we don't really know what to expect from him or if he's going to keep the boys up for the whole night. I mean he's pretty good at night, he only wakes two/three times but he goes off back to sleep pretty quickly.

"Oh, look who's already waiting for you bud" I coo as Louis and Harry were already outside their front door, waiting. As soon as Louis opened Niall's car door, he was all excited and kicking his feet around in his car seat.

"Hello little man, uncle Lou is here" Louis coos at him as he gets Niall out.

"Oh but I think you need a change" he tries to pass Niall off to Zayn.

"Hey, you've got him for the night, better get practicing" Zayn tells him.

"But you're here" Louis smiles with that cheeky smile of his.

"C'mere Ni, uncle Lou doesn't even want to change you" Zayn takes him off Louis and I pass him the changing bag. We head inside and Niall was soon crawling all over the place.

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