The Beginning of The End

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(Holy- I can't believe I pulled that off. Anyways, new book!)

1:30 PM, Friday, April 23, Crystal Cast Mansion, Wilderness

It was a weird morning, first the school getting raided, then the lab, and now an entire crystalline takeover of the Mushroom Kingdom. And Andrew, Tari, Megan, Saiko, Mario, Luigi, Luke, and Meggy were the only ones currently remaining (Meta and Alyssa were alive, no one knew it though). No one dared to speak of what they all just witnessed.

Andrew was pacing around the living room, his worried mind getting the better of him. Mario, Luigi, Megan, and Tari played Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros. to keep their minds off of it. Meggy was on the couch sleeping, hoping to wake up later and realize it was all a dream. Luke was on his laptop, making memes and checking the news for any updates. Saiko... just stood there. She had no idea what to do. She was the one that everyone felt like could command the most power, yet she didn't know what to do.

"Andrew, can you please stop walking around like that? You're freaking everyone out." Saiko asked as calm as possible.

"Saiko, I've literally lost my only remaining legal family. What am I supposed to do, tank it and show no emotion?" S replied angrily.

"At least stop pacing around. What, you formulating plans or something?" Megan asked half-jokingly, half-seriously. She needed a way to vent her frustrations.

"Actually yes, yes I am. Because that diamond-like crystal that hit me earlier gave me a ton of info, and what I'm trying to do is how to connect that to the downfall of Crystal Kaon and the restoration of the Mushroom Kingdom!" S replied, finally stopping and searching for something. "Do we have a notepad? Or a whiteboard, a whiteboard could do."

Meanwhile, back at the Crystal Empire

"Gah! Dammit, there's almost no escape! What the heck even was that?!" Meta frustratedly said, refusing to accept no for an answer.

"I don't know..." Alyssa replied, struggling for words.

Meta picked up a rock and threw it at the border. It got incinerated immediately. "Well... we're screwed."

"Not quite, the border probably only goes to the surface. If we tunnel underneath... OH MY GOSH ANDREW AND HIS FRIENDS!!" Alyssa remarked, remembering her conversation hours before disaster.

They all headed back to the lab and the bunker, avoiding the guards and whatnot and finally made it and saw it fully unblocked.

"You remember the way, 'Lyss?" Meta asked, pulling out a flashlight.

"Sure do." She said, as they all entered the tunnels and sealed off the bunker.

The End of An EraWhere stories live. Discover now