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(Shoot, looks like I hit the old case of writer's block for about 2 months, ah well.)

"Luigi! Hang on!!" Megan said, rushing out of the bunker hatch until she got struck down by the same person.

Meggy only looked in horror as she recognized exactly who their attacker was. "..."


"Holy scrap, it's the big Bobowski." Andrew remarked, not taking in the emotions of those around him.

"Ack- at least you're having fun, I'm getting beat up here!!" Megan yelled, trying her best to dodge and defend herself.

Luigi's already been beat up enough, so he just hides behind Meggy. Meggy leads herself and Luigi into the bunker, hoping against hope that Megan finds an opportunity to escape.

She tries her best to block and dodge all of Bob's attacks but gets weaker with each blow, eventually fainting and dropping to the floor.

"MEGAN!!" The other two yelled, with Megan's camera feed going dark on Andrew's laptop.

Andrew wasted no time, scrambling to deploy a fix for the situation. "Go. Grab Megan if you can, get into the tunnels, and get ready to blow the bunker to hell!!"

Meggy did as she was told, rushing out and throwing a trash can at the back of Bob's cloak, sending him across the street. "Megan... Megan, you okay?" She asked frantically, getting on her knees to check Megan.

Megan coughs, dust leaving her lungs. "I- I'm fine... leave me."

Meggy gets up and drags Megan's legs into the bunker with Luigi making a quick enough recovery to walk and place some charges. "Ready?"

Megan tries to stand up, the others helping. "Ready."

The trio walk down the tunnel and seal the hatch, blowing the entrance tunnel's opening shut.

(AAAAAAA- I'm so sorry for not updating!! I got the writing mood back now, and I've got the end developed! So, that should be coming in the next 2 or 3 chapters. See ya!)

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