Joy to Light the Way

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(Should be back in the mood to write now, also happy 2022 people!! Yes, it's still December but I'm probably not gonna be writing for a while so might as well say it early.)

Meta and Alyssa are in another room, talking to each other about managing the war/revolution, which ever one you want to call it.

"This is suicide!!" Meta yelled, slamming his fist on the desk. "None of us are older than 25 and yet here we are, orchestrating a literal takedown of the Crystal Empire!! Hell, only two, maybe three of us have actual fighting experience!"

Alyssa sighed, perusing over the files of what they know about the threat. "Listen, I know it seems impossible-"

"It IS impossible!!"

"But-!" She said, loud enough to cut Meta off. "We have a better chance of fighting through this entire bullshit than sitting down and dying as they do whatever it is they're doing!"

Speaking of the Empire...

Bob. Remember him? Yeah, he's still alive. After the fight, all he did was just pick himself up and go back to Crystal Kaon.

Obviously, Peach wasn't too happy about it, seeing as she just learned that not only did a resistance start against the Empire but that Bob failed to destroy them.

"HOW?! HOW DID A RESISTANCE FORM?!" She screamed, starting to rant but catching herself in the middle of the emergency military meeting. Peach took a few seconds to compose herself and ordered immediately, "I want all military forces to find the hideout of this ragtag team and take them all back here! Am I clear?!"

The Empire's attack leaders all stood up and said "Yes ma'am!" as they rushed out to command their respective divisions to carry it all out.

The queen sat back down in her throne and performed a cliché Kubrick Stare through the crystalline visor of her helmet as she thinks who could have started this.

"That scientist, his adoptive brother, and their friends... their luck runs out now."

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