Clocked In!

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(So... it's been a while. I'm sorry for not updating as much but writers block got me, as well as way too many additional projects.)

3:00 pm, Saturday, April 24, Crystal Castle Lower Levels, Crystal Empire

"Status report?" A surgeon asked, pulling down the cloak of their patient.

"They're accepting the implants well, for now. I don't know how effective it will be long-term, but it works."

"As long as it works now, we should be good." The surgeon said, as he pulled a lever that slides the operating table down to a lower level. "Next!"

Their patient slid through tunnels of caverns like a rollercoaster until they ended up at a point that almost led outside. A robotic arm equipped with syringes descended down on the unconscious entity and injected a stimulator into them. The cloaked figure got up from the table and as if being controlled, walked out in an almost militarily fashion.

Outside, someone was watching the latter half of the process, somehow evading capture the entire time.

Meanwhile, with the Crystal Cast...

Some of the Crystal Cast was gearing up, not for all-out war but for a quick reconnaissance mission. Luigi was heading this mission, with Megan and Meggy following closely. All three of them had some form of armor and a camera attached to their helmets so the rest can see what's going on.

"You sure about this?" Tari asked, concerned about her girlfriend.

"I'll be fine! Besides if anything goes wrong, we'll at least have some knowledge on who or what we're fighting." Megan replied, putting a show of confidence to keep Tari calm.

Mario stepped over to talk to his brother. "Bro, you gonna be okay...?"

"Mario, I'll be okay. If I can handle doing 15 jobs at once, I can be a recon scout." Luigi said, reassuring his brother.

"Yeah, Luigi and I'll be fine! You don't have to worry about us." Meggy chimed in, hugging her boyfriend.

S opened up his laptop, accessing the program needed to link all three cameras to one display. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah!" The three scouts said, switching their cameras on.

The feed came onto the laptop and S quickly divided the three feeds and labelled them to their respective scout. "Alright Mario, open the hatch. Meggy, Megan, and Luigi? Good luck."

Mario opened the hatch, which still had a remote demo charge from Meta. "Oh shoot, uh guys...?"

"Ah, right. Forgot about that." Alyssa said, heading over to dispose of the charge.

She quickly got rid of the bomb and the three went down into the caverns. Mario sealed the hatch off, preventing anyone they didn't know from entering.

(I can't extend this further in one chapter so I'm splitting it. See y'all in the next one.)

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