Chaos and Caverns

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(Haha funny Ph1Lza reference go brrr- Also, Author's in the chapter yay-)

2:00 pm, Friday, April 23, Crystal Cast Mansion, Wilderness

"So... here's what I'm thinking. The pink energy dome covering the Crystal Empire is what connects separates us from the effects of the Phase Crystal, as that's what it's proper name is." Andrew explained, making a crude diagram of their surroundings. "If we get into said dome, we're going to be affected by mind-control, partial crystallization, and terrorism. However, due to our encounter with the Phase Crystal from Glitch High, or the original one, we're able to dampen or even negate the effects on ourselves."

"Okay, that's cool and all but how are going to free the citizens? And what do you mean by 'partial crystallization'?" Megan asked.

"That's the bad part, the new tall castle that was formed after the gems shot each other is their base of operations. If you go in there, there's a trapdoor that leads to a chamber where you have your mind wiped, become brainwashed, and they embed little tracker crystals beneath your epidermis." Andrew continued explaining. "The registration system that they've implemented starts from that castle."

"Why does it look so much like Kaon from Transformers Prime?" Tari asked, mostly joking.

"Well... I don't know." Andrew replied, seeing a notification pop up in his contacts HUD from someone going by SCGCrew saying "On your left."

A blue and cyan crack in space and time appeared growing to become a rift as a figure entered. "Wassup, S? What the hell happened to Glitch High?" The figure asked.

"AUTHOR! Holy shit, I didn't know you're here." S replied. "The pink crystal? The one at Glitch High? It took over and created a second one at Peach's castle, and shot a beam of energy at the second crystal, making the Crystal Empire's new base."

"Krystal Kaon? Wait, it actually happened?!" Author asked, guilt seeping in.

"Oh that's what it's called? Yeah, Tari asked why it looked so much like Kaon."

"I uh... I watched a lot of Transformers Prime when I was younger and rewatched it recently. Kaon just happened to be on my mind." Author said.
(This is Kaon, or more specifically, New Kaon. Imagine this, but made out of mostly purple gems with a giant pink upside down diamond on top.)

Andrew only responded with silence

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Andrew only responded with silence. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT?! YOU PUT THE KINGDOM INTO THIS STUFF?!"

"Right, I can see I'm not needed here, goodbye!" Author said quickly as he fell back into the rift and it closed.

"Goddamnit, so our author's putting us in a challenge." Andrew said, seething in anger.

Back in the tunnels...

"... and then a left here..." Alyssa said, attempting to navigate the complex passages.

"Ugghhhh... we've been going for how long at this?" One of the SWAT defectors asked, growing tired of trudging through the tunnels.

"Not much longer." Meta said, prepping to blow the safe doors in.

Back with the cast...

"Alright." S said, still pissed. "Now all we have to do now is just find Meta, Alyssa, and whoever tried to escape. We're just a handful of high schoolers, we've got no idea how to do war and our currently non-existent plan would only work through insane amounts of sheer stupid luck."

Just then, some loud knocking was heard. "EVERYONE SCATTER!" Luigi screamed, running away. Luke went in to investigate, and opened the floorboard hatch where they all entered from.

"Oh shoot, it's just them." Luke sighed, relieved.

"Who's 'them'?" Saiko asked, on edge.

Meta popped his head up from the hatch. "Us."

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