Chapter 11

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"Steven aren't you proud of me? I made a new friend!!" I shouted in his ear "I heard you the first 100 times y/n!" He groaned. "I'm just so excited, now when you're out with Bonnie I will have someone to hang out with aswell!" "Connie." He said flatly. "I'm just joking around goodness what's got you upset?" I asked in a more serious tone than before. "Nothing" he said turning away from me. "Steven? What's up?" I asked. "He just seems like a bad influence that's all!" He blurted. I was a bit taken aback "what?" I asked. "You know seems like trouble" he said. "Why? If you're saying this because of his style that's pretty judgemental Steven, he was really nice" "yeah sure" he said. "Oh my god!" I laughed "what." He said angrily "you're jealous!" I started laughing harder. "You're joking, what would I have to be jealous of" he rolled his eyes. "That you're not my only friend anymore" I poked him on the nose and he swat my hand away. "Hey!" I said. "You were the one that suggested I make more friends" I said. "Well I was thinking maybe a girl friend you know" he said lightly. "What? Why does it matter?" I asked. "It doesn't, I guess" he sighed. "I'm sorry y/n" he said "I guess I did overreact but I still think he's not good for you." He said. "Um okay..? I'm still going to hang out with him you're not the gem that can see the future if you forgot." I said. "You're right! Let's take this to garnet." He said. "Fine." I crossed my arms. "Fine." He got up and started climbing down the loft ladder. "What? We're actually going to ask her? Steven I doubt she'd do it" I said. "We'll see" he said.

I followed him around the house until we found garnet coming out of her room. "Garnet!" Steven said. "Yes Steven?" She said in a monotone voice like usual. "Can you use you're future vision to see if y/n's new friend is good for her" he said. "Steven, don't be jealous y/n is their own person they can decide who to be friends with on their own." She said. "Yeah but-" "no, Steven." She said. "Ugh okay" he said and walked away. I followed next to him "maybe you should come with us when we hang out then you can see he's a good guy" I said. "No thank you" he said. "Then quit complaining about it, if you're not even going to try and be open minded" I said. I don't know what his deal is, it's not like he doesn't have other friends other than me also. "If this is seriously a problem for you there's going to be a problem with us, you are being super controlling right now and I don't need that" I said making direct stern eye contact. He didn't say anything and I just walked off. I figured I'd give him some time to realize he's being a complete jerk. I walked to the beach and sat down on the sand. The gentle waves crashing against my toes occasionally.. I felt at peace but at the same time just unhappy I can't really explain it but it wasn't a great feeling. I sat there for another couple minutes before I heard someone walk up behind me "hey?" I heard the same boy from the arcades voice. I looked behind me and smiled at him "hey!" I said and stood up. "What're you doing just sitting at the beach alone?" I asked. "Figured my friend needed some time to cool off after a slight disagreement this morning." I said. "Oh I'm sorry, what about?" He asked. "Wellll.. you" I smiled nervously. "Me? Why" he asked. "Well he was a little jealous I had hung out with someone else" I said. "Well that's lame" he gave a side frown. "Agreed." I said. "So what were you doing here?" I asked. "I was taking a walk, I was going to get a donut but then I saw you and thought I should see if you were alright." He said. That's so thoughtful wow "yes I'm alright thank you" i smiled. "Here come on" I grabbed his hand lightly and dragged him over to the big donut. "What kind would you like?" I asked. "Uh grape" he said. "Barf." I said "two barfey grape donuts and two glazed please" I said to Sadie who was currently running the cashier. "Coming right up but grape donuts are delicious." She said grabbing two small plastic bag and going under the counter to get our donuts. "You guys are actually insane" I laughed. She stood up and handed me the two plastic bags one with my glazed donuts and one with his donuts. "That'll be five dollars" she said. The boy started digging in his pockets. "Do you really think I would've dragged you in here if I expected you to pay?" I asked. I handed Sadie a five dollar bill. "Thanks, have a good day!" She said as we went out the front doors. We sat on a bench and I handed him his donuts. "You didn't have to pay for me you know" he said. "I know." I said. "We can call it me paying you back for using some of your tickets at the arcade." I said taking a bite out of my donut. "This is a little embarrassing but I kinda forgot your name" I said. "Haha that's totally fine." He chuckled. "My name is Kaniel but I go by Kane which is already a pretty odd name but kaniel is just a different level of weird." He laughed. "I like it!" I smiled. "Unique" I said. "I think your name is pretty cool too" he said. "Thanks" I smiled. My phone started buzzing and I grabbed it out of my pocket to Steven calling me. "Is that the friend you were talking about?" He asked. "Yeah" i said. "Maybe he's over it now you should talk to him." He said. "Yeah but I'd rather speak to him in person so I'll wait." I said. "Do you guys see eachother a lot then?" He asked. "Oh, I basically live with him" I said. "Oh wow" he said slightly shocked. "Yeah it's kinda a long story." I said. "We'll have to save it for another time I think you should get back there and talk to him" he said. "Yeah okay" I stood up. "Thanks for the donuts" he smiled, stood up and walked away with a simple wave. I walked back to stevens house and let myself in.

"Steven?" I called out. Steven poked his head around the corner of the kitchen. "Oh, y/n" he smiled lightly. "Look I'm really sorry for saying what I said and trying to control your life." He said "sooo I baked you a cake!" He said and came out from the corner and held out the cake for me to see. "Wow you must be sorry" I laughed. "I really am" he said. "Thank you Steven" I said. "Now let's eat cake!" He said. "You really just made this cause you wanted cake and played it off as a apology present huh?" I asked. "No! Possibly... but it still counts!" He said shoving a bite of cake into his mouth. "I'll let it slide" I laughed. I grabbed a fork and took a bit out of the side. Amythest came into the kitchen sniffing the air. "Uh oh" I laughed. "What is that smell??" Amythest asked in awe. "Um.. the cake I made y/n" Steven said sliding the cake further away from her and closer to us. "Steven, you're going to share with my right?" She asked. "SOME." He said sternly. "Oooh thank you!" She said excitedly. I handed her a fork and she just looked at my weirdly. She grabbed the entire cake with her hands and shoveled it into her mouth and with one big swallow it was gone. "Amythest!" He said. "Thanks Steven" she burped and walked away. "I'm sorry" Steven groaned. "I got a bite, it was good" I laughed. "I'm glad." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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