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Zhou Zishu was sitting stiffly in the waiting room of Dr. Wen Kexing, his fingers drumming out an impatient rhythm on the wooden armrest of his chair. It was the most unusual of offices he had ever been to. It looked like a fucking art Gallery. Who the hell decorates their waiting room with expensive art and soft furnishings anyway? He looked irritated and uncomfortable. These rich people are really stuck up sometimes, he thought. Suddenly the door opened and Dr. Wen Kexing stepped out.

Out of common courtesy he stood from his chair slowly to greet the man and stopped, suddenly aware with the growing sensation of sharp awareness in his mind. All the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly rose and his body was on alert. Dr. Wen stood in the doorway, the space taken up by the width of his shoulders. He was taller than Zhou Zishu by a few inches, but his presence was frightening. His handsome face and beautiful eyes were enough to draw you in. What kind of a man was this Ethereal? On drawing a scent Zhou Zishu's was drawn back in a gasp.


He wasn't a man at all. He wasn't human but a more deadly creature, not incubi like Zhou Zishu , but something entirely different. Dr. Wen watched as his eyes darkened imperceptibly and his nostrils flared as he took a deep breath in before slowly letting it out. He sensed Zhou Zishu to be different too and he smiled happily. "Zhou Zishu , I presume," When Dr.Wen spoke, his words and voice were like an aphrodisiac to Zhou Zishu. He could not move his body, he trembled with need and hunger all over. What the hell was this? His bosses never told him that the man he was meeting wasn't human.

Dr. Wen Kexing didn't seem perturbed by the silence, instead stepping back from the doorway and he drawled. "Please, come in."

Hunger kicked and he wanted to feed. Feed on this delicious doctor. It's been years and years since he felt this way. He needed to control himself before he exposed himself.


"This was a mistake," Zhou Zishu said "I shouldn't have come here. Am sorry for wasting your time. I have to leave. Please excuse me"

Dr. Wen Kexing didn't answer, just cocked his head to the side and watched him. Staring. Waiting. Plotting. Strategizing.He knew the turmoil that Zhou Zishu was going through and he was not going to make it easy for him. Finally he had found someone like him. Almost similar.

Zhou Zishu turned and ran out of the office without looking back. He could feel Dr. Wen Kexing eyes burning holes on his back. He did not care at all if he got fired. All he knew was that it was dangerous for him to be there at all. And he had been hiding himself for years but this time he knew he could not hide from such a creature like Dr. Wen Kexing.

Two weeks later, Zhou Zishu received the letter from his supervisor that he had to go for the appointment WITHOUT FAIL with Dr. Wen Kexing. He needed to find out about the recent killings in the Three Seasons Manor. And his supervisor had indicated that the man doctor would be of great help. This beautiful deadly creature help him? He doubted this. Maybe he was the one behind the killings.

He arrived for his appointment almost ten minutes late, four of those minutes had been spent sitting in his car with the engine idling and battling the overwhelming urge to throw his whole life he had built in the Window of Heaven and forget about everything, disappear forever.But the deaths were too much. That anger carried him to Dr. Wen Kexings waiting room and to the already open door. Had he sensed him coming all the way? He walked in only to hear the door audible click being shut at his back.

His instincts prickled with alarm at having what was clearly a predator in his blind spot but he somehow felt safe.

There were two comfortable looking chairs that were facing each other in the center of the room. He  walked over and sat in the one that was closest to the exit while Dr.Wen Kexing walked over to the remaining chair and sat down, all graceful movement and poise that made Zhou Zishu roll his eyes.

Dr. Wen Kexing tilted his head slightly, his eyes bore into Zhou Zishu and he said, "I imagine meeting me came as a shock to you."

Zhou Zishu smiled humorlessly. "What gave you that impression?"

He ignored the sarcasm. "Then I understand from your reaction that you haven't come across anyone like me before ?


"You feel threatened by me being here."

Zhou Zishu frowned. "I feel threatened by you, yes". As he licked his lips and fidgeted in his seat, the movements were noticed by Wen Kexing.

Wen Kexing smiled and drawled " It seems that its destiny for us to meet .We are a rare breed, you and I. Would it not seem prudent to get to know each other? A little companionship?"

Companionship. The word was like a gut punch to the stomach and Zhou Zishu l felt wounded. When was the last time he had companionship? Far too long.Zhou Zishu cleared his throat, looked at the spot just past Wen Kexing's shoulder. "I don't think that's such a good idea. Can we please discuss what brought me here. The bosses want you to profile the killer and the deaths committed at the four seasons manor so that we can catch this maniac ."

Wen Kexing's ignored the statement and his gaze was direct, demanding and unyielding. "Are you not lonely amongst the humans?"

Zhou Zishu felt like Wen Kexing was looking into his soul. He diverted the question and looked him straight in the eye " What are you?"

Wen Kexing's eyes sharpened on Zhou Zishu's face, locked into place, unable to move, to hide from him.

"What do I feel like to you?"

Dear Sweet Readers

I started writing this as a one shot. But here we are....

Enjoy this book. Its very dear and close to my heart.

Love you all


ETHEREAL (WenZhou){COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora