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A week later, Zhou Zishu arrived at Wen Kexing's house and headed straight to the shower. The whole week Director Jin had been on him and kept tabs on him. Before he left this morning Wen Kexing had already profiled the Killer and the system had picked up an old Werewolf murderer called Zhao Jing. He had made headway in the case but today was hard on him. He had missed Dr. Wen Kexing way too much.He made quick work of finishing his shower and drying off, hastily scrubbing his tooth brush over his teeth, dispelling the taste of work and perfume from all the people he had interacted with. Padding into the hall in only his towel, a thrill went up his spine as he saw the kitchen light had been turned out. That could only mean one thing: that Dr. Wen Kexing has retreated to their bedroom.

He hummed to himself as he made his way to the bedroom, shaking his head just slightly in a half hearted attempt to tame longish blond locks. He had thought about cutting it but he enjoyed the wistful look of Dr. Wen Kexing got in his ethereal eyes when he wore it down. (He also enjoyed Dr. Wen Kexing pulling it during sex but that was a whole other thing.)

Sure enough Dr. Wen Kexing was seated on their bed, his paper back on his night stand, naked as the day he was born, watching the door with his hand curled loosely around his cock. A slow smile stretched over his face, wide enough to bare delicate fangs that Zhou Zishu was fascinated with.

"Drop the fucking towel," Dr. Wen Kexing all but growled his voice rough in the half light of the bedroom. His features were in sharp relief, cast in shadows by the bedside table lap that served as the only illumination. Something hot went through Zhou Zishu's body as he thought this must be what others see before he feeds, a terribly handsome face cut from shadows with blood lust filled eyes. Only now, it wasn't bloodlust that sparkled in those grey eyes, it was lust for Zhou Zishu's body.

The towel was dropped to the floor with barely a thought and Dr. Wen Kexing traced pupil blown eyes up at Zhou Zishu's naked body, dangerous smile turning sensual as he literally licked his lips, making him shiver at the thought of having those lips on his skin.

Zhou Zishu moved to the bed and he settled himself on his hands and knees, tugging a pillow from the head of the bed to wrap his arms around because he had a feeling he was going to need the support.

"So beautiful," Dr. Wen Kexing whispered,his eyes focused on the pale expanse of skin before him, running his fingers on his skin tracing random patterns across smooth skin. "So beautiful, Zhou Zishu, you don't even know what you do to me."

Zhou Zishu moaned as he felt the touch ,followed by soft kisses with just a hint of fang scraping over skin. Those teasing fingers danced down his skin to the swell of his ass and dipped between cheeks, brushing his hole .He let out a whimper as Dr. Wen Kexing slipped one finger inside easily, nibbling lightly on the skin of his shoulder. He hissed again as he felt something cold at his entrance, acknowledging it as a dribble of lube before Dr. Wen Kexing hurriedly pressed four fingers into him. His eyes rolled back in his head as Dr. Wen Kexing moved his fingers inside him like he was playing his bass, stroking his insides like he stroked the strings on his beloved bass guitar.

Dr. Wen Kexing couldn't take much of Zhou Zishu's moans before he pulled his fingers out and rammed his cock in. With speed he fucked him so hard until, his world was whiting out, magic dancing in the air and he shook apart under his hands.

He must have blacked out because he came around, he was on his back, with his legs over Dr. Wen Kexing's shoulders,with his thick cock pressing to his wet entrance. Glowing blue eyes met vibrant green and he reached up to wrap his arms around Dr. Wen Kexings neck as he sank into him slowly. Both men groaned at the feeling, Dr. Wen Kexing leaned down to press his forehead to Zhou Zishu his face screwed up in concentration as he buried himself inside him.

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