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Dr.Wen Kexing made a decision to let Zhou Zishu feel who he was and Zhou Zishu stiffened in utter shock. Wen Kexing was old, centuries old, he felt that age in his bones, making his brain buzz like bees had taken up residence in his skull. His scent changed to something wild and powerful and Zhou Zishu had to fight himself to stop from moving from his chair. In the blink of an eye , Dr.Wen Kexing was standing next to Zhou Zishu, his right hand left the arm rest and wrapped around Zhou Zishu's throat, gently, but firm.

"I know what you are," Dr.Wen Kexing hummed. "I knew the moment I felt you behind my office door."

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes against the words, his secrets laid painfully bare for the other man to see. "How could you possibly know what I am?"

Dr. Wen Kexing didn't answer in words, instead electricity seemed to pass between them and Zhou Zishu shoved his seat away, the chair clattering back as it fell and he pulled away from Wen Kexing's hand to get distance between them, but his nails left red lines on Zhou Zishu skin, blood trickling down to his shirt collar.

Dr.Wen Kexing slowly brought his hands to lips and sucked, the noise he made was almost obscene. Zhou Zishu was left panting, his limbs twitching from whatever that energy had been. It felt like raw adrenaline coursing through his veins, his whole body lit up with it.

"What did you do to me?" He demanded.

Dr.Wen Kexing smirked and said. "I gave you a taste of my energy. You were starving."

What? A taste. Fuck, if that was simply a taste, Zhou Zishu couldn't imagine what a feeding would make him feel like. Orgasmic, hot, delicious. He could not let Wen Kexing know this.

"I'm fine, who told you i was starving?" He was hiding his embarrassment and he proceeded to pick the chair up, placing it its original position.

"Your hunger is like a beacon, it washes off of you like heat. When was the last time you fed?" Dr. Wen Kexing demanded.

" Why the fuck do you care?"

Dr. Wen Kexing stared at him. He walked over to him pulled his neck  and licked the part that he had scratched , his saliva healing the wound and at the same time Zhou Zishu felt like he feeding again. His body trembled violently and he whispered "Why are you doing this, making me feel this way, please..."

"I want you. You feel it. We are a perfect match." Dr. Wen Kexing said quietly. The sincerity in his voice and face was almost painful to contemplate. Wen Keying was silently begging Zhou Zishu for acceptance. "You should not fear me. You should not fear this."

They stood there in peaceful silence and Zhou Zishu's heart was about to burst. He knew that it was rare to feel such a powerful connection.He head wished and yearned for this, always thought it was a dream and that this would never happen at all. But here he was. In front of him stood the most Ethereal and powerful creature that ever existed. He could not help but yearn for Wen Kexing.

"Fear you?" Zhou Zishu murmured while his hands, seemingly of their own volition, slid up his arms, skimming over his shoulders, to rest on either side of his face. "You're the only one who knows me for who and what I am. Of course I should fear you."

Dr. Wen Kexing leaned forward and Zhou Zishu met him halfway. Their lips brushed softly against each other once, twice, three times, before Wen Kexing groaned and opened his lips wider for Zhou Zishu to take, take, take. It was all Zhou Zishu needed and he parted his lips, Wen Kexing followed suit and Zhou Zishu began to feed from him, drank deep of his energy and it was -

It was like nothing he had ever tasted before. It was like drinking pure rays of sunshine, utterly intoxicating, and so very powerful. His whole body lit up with it, his very blood buzzing with the energy and he couldn't help himself as he drew Wen Kexing closer to him. He was practically on his tiptoes, his arms wrapped around the other man as he clung desperately. He moaned, soft and low.

Dr. Wen Kexing allowed him, his own arms tightening around his waist in a casual possessive gesture that had Zhou Zishu's animal nature purring with it. Dr. Wen Kexing responded with a low growling sound of his own and he flicked his tongue out, touching Zhou Zishu's tongue and it sent shock waves through his core. Zhou Zishu slowed down his feeding once he felt full and the feeding soon turned to more of a kiss each fighting for dominance. It was like he was riding the wave of the best drug, sweet, intoxicating and utterly addictive.Both stopped and looked into each other's eyes. Dr. Wen Kexings eyes had tuned red and Zhou Zishu could feel him desperately fighting to control himself. Zhou Zishu was far gone as he wanted desperately run his hands down his body, to press the length of himself against it, to run his mouth all over him until that skin heated up to burning.His thoughts must have passed between them as Wen Kexing hold tightened to almost pain, their foreheads pressed against each other as they breathed each other in. Dr. Wen Kexing became Zhou Zishu's whole world.

"Come home with me please," l said, his once cultured voice now rough with desire, want and need. " Come home with me ."

Without being told, Zhou Zishu knew that if he agreed to go home with Wen Kexing, there would be no going back to his life as it was now. For either of them.But really, was there any other choice for the both of them? Two lonely creatures with who understood each other. What more could he ask for?

"Yes," Zhou Zishu said and Wen Kexing felt the earth freeze still with its echo.

Dear Sweeties.

Sweet isnt it?

Love you all

Anna Baibe😘😘😘

ETHEREAL (WenZhou){COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang