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Zhou zishu sulked the whole time as Wen Kexing drove them home. He seethed with anger on the fact that Wen Kexing had used his horny and sexual frustrations to catch the killer. What made it worse was the fact that his bosses in the Window of Heaven praised Wen Kexing for solving the case. And what was worse he was still horny and wanted Wen Kexing to fuck him hard.

He sighed over and over again.

When they reached Wen Kexing's apartment, he got out and walked in and headed straight into the shower and locked it. He sat down on the floor and his anger worsened. An hour later, he stepped out of the shower to the smell of pork being roasted. " The damn bastard was even cooking after all he did," Zhou Zishu sneered.

He walked to the dinner table and found that the food had been set. Wen Kexing was standing by the fireplace and he turned around and watched a sulking Zhou Zishu trot towards the table and sit down in a huff. He walked towards Zhou Zishu and said " I would serve you A'xu but my body is dirty from all the cooking and killing. Let me take a shower and then i will join you. Have some wine"

Wen Kexing rushed and took a shower in a hurry. He knew Zhou Zishu had a temper and he smiled and plotted. He would use his weakness and coax him into forgiving him for using him as bait. As long as the killer was deal, Wen Kexing did not care much about which method was used to catch him.

The dinner was eaten in silence as Wen Kexing smiled and Zhou Zishu huffed over and over. Once dinner was done, Zhou Zishu moved to the living room and stood by the window.

As he approached Zhou zishu, Wen Kexing scented a punch of lust emanating from Zhou Zishu and he moved in to kiss him. Zhou Zishu's back bowed as he moaned into his mouth, muffling himself as Wen Kexing bit down on his lip.

"Fuck!" Zhou groaned as he felt Wen Kexing's tongue run along his bottom lip, soothing the sting, and along his tongue and teeth. He knew he was being seduced and he needed to move fast on his plan to make Wen Kexing pay before he was done for.

"You can bite me," Zhou zishi moaned out breathlessly as he arched his neck back in invitation.

Wen Kexing froze.

"You... you want me to bite you?" His voice shook as his fangs lengthened as he brushed them against the pounding vein of his neck.

"Bite me," Zhou Zishu whispered.

Wen Kexing descended down and bit him. The chemistry between them was incredible; like fire and oil joining together and lighting the intoxicating fumes of passion. Zhou ZIshu was everywhere. All of Wen Kexing's senses were laser focused on him. The smell of his skin. The feel of his dick grinding against his own. The look of his deeply flushed cheeks. The sound of his groans filling his ears as he inched closer to climax. The taste of Zhou zishu's blood on his tongue. The predator in him surged forward, and he became overcome with the desire to stake his claim and drink.

"Fuck," Wen Kexing groaned. Zhou Zishu tasted divine. He was basically every mans wet dream and here he was, writhing and moaning under Wen Kexing's, begging to be filled and then drained.

Suddenly Zhou Zishu pushed him away and ripped all his clothes and walked to the room. Wen Kexing beast was awakened. He was going to fuck him to death today. How dare he push him away.

He walked to the bedroom and found naked Zhou Zishu, on the bed, looking like sin.

"Is this what you wanted from me? Then you can have me"

Zhou zishu sounded angry and Wen Kexing was triggered. He stood by the bed and said " Is this how you planned to punish me?" Wen Kexings eyes turned red.

Zhou zishu was too far gone to care and he uttered " Get over and finish what you started earlier. "

Wen Kexing stood and then murmured " Not like this A'xu. Not like this. I would never compromise you in any way Zhou Zishu. I must say, I'm sorry. I used you as bait but you remember that you followed me. I only scented you when you were already near the scene. What option did you leave me? How the fuck was i supposed to kill him with your scent all over and confusing me? Do you honestly think you are the only one affected. I will never compromise you?"

Wen Kexing slowly removed his clothes, walked to the bed and laid down beside Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and said " If only you involved me. I am angry because you did not involve me. Do I really mean something to you really? Wen Kexing, you are nothing but an arrogant bastard. Which compromise would this be?

Wen Kexing sat up and leaned against the headboard and then whispered " Come here please" and he pulled Zhou Zishu on top of him. Zhou Zishu was still sulking when he murmured " How the fuck are we supposed to have a proper conversation if every single time you want to solve our issues you resort to sex?" But his words betrayed his action as he kept rubbing his ass over Wen Kexing's hard cock. 

" Zhou Zishu, how am i supposed to resist you when you are this lewd? I know i am in the wrong this time.Forgive me A'xu. I can't promise this will be the last time. In this lifetime I will make many mistakes. Am not perfect. Forgive this arrogant man who loves you dearly"

Zhou Zishu breath hitched and he stared at Wen Kexing and said " Love?"

Wen Kexing smiled and whispered again" Love"

Dear Sweet Readers.

One more chapter and we are at the end of the journey


Love you all


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