1~ The begining of the end.

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"SIRIUS GET YOUR ARSE BACK IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Octavia screamed. The sensation of being torn in two rippling through her body. The response she got was not from her husband Sirius but from her best friend "He's passed out in the hallway darling but don't worry you have us". Gradually the scorching pain subsided and the cry's of a baby ricocheted through the house. "It's a girl" the female voice said. Octavia took the child in her arms, a look of pure adoration on her face. "Thank you Lily. For everything". At that moment octavia felt her life was complete. Little did she know it wouldn't last very long...

Suddenly the sound of people running at full speed up the stairs of her cottage met Octavias' ears and she tensed. Her hold on the little girl tightened. Sirius, James and Remus crashed through the door all landing on the wooden floor with a loud thump. As all three men looked towards the blood covered bed they made eye contact with the girls who were all wearing the same fuming expression, including the child.

Cautiously Sirius arose from the floor and slowly walked towards his daughter. " Have you decided on a name yet?" He asked timidly. "I thought we would do that together"Octavia told him with a smile
"You just pushed her out I think you get the right to name her".
"Well then, meet little Alara" For the first time since entering the room James spoke up "really ? I was thinking something for along the lines of Jamie or maybe Janice ?" His suggestion earned a loud scoff from Remus. "Don't be a dunce James." He turned to Octavia his expression softening "what does it mean?"
"Well dearest brother It means a gift from god, which is what she is."
"I think it's beautiful,Alara Lupin-black. I can't wait for her to meet Harry." Lily sighed. A comfortable silence glazed over the room. All eyes on Alara who was trying to fit both hands into her mouth. This silence lasted until James bursted out with "I bet 40 Galleons she will marry Harry!"
"NO MY DAUGHTER WILL NEVER GET WITH A BOY EVER!" Sirius exclaimed glaring at james with a protective glint in his eyes. Childish bickering broke out between the three grown men. Octavia gazed at the scene, a goofy smile on her face knowing that her daughter would always be loved.


~six months later~

The marauders and their children were sat in the back garden of the Lupin-Black residence. They lived in a quaint little house in the middle of the country side. Roughly a 30 minute drive from Godrics hollow. A young Harry was zooming around the yard on miniature broomstick that only hovered a foot off the ground, being chased by padfoot and prongs.

Meanwhile a little Alara was sat on her Uncle Moonys lap a few metres from where the boys played. Moony was telling her the stories of his childhood. How he and the other marauders had caused mischief wherever they went. Remus knew the girl could not comprehend a word he was saying but he still loved talking to his niece.

Alara was at peace, the wind blowing softly as the little yellow things that spurt out of the ground waved about, her uncle moo moo rambling noises at her only half of which she understood. The only problem was the little boy across the field. He was laughing like a maniac and it was annoying. She never really liked him to be honest. He would be taught something and never be able to remember it, that was one of the many things different about little Alara. She had a photographic memory. Anything she heard or was shown she would always do correctly and it baffled her that others couldn't do the same.

The idiotic boy continue to make noises and she tried to tell him to stop but she couldn't. She had the words in her head but when she tried to voice them they only came out as an uncomprehendable jumble of letters and it frustrated her greatly.

Remus noticed the look of annoyance on the young girls face and attempted to calm her down by running his hands through her short hair that was the exact same shade of brownish-black as her fathers. He consciously chose to ignore the voice in the back of his head wondering how Alara could be so complex for such a young girl...


~three months later~

Nine month old Alara crawled across the carpeted living room floor of the potter residence. Her parents and the others were all in the kitchen making noises she didn't care to listen to. As she crawled towards her loving family she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. Harry was holding HER rock .How dare he touch her favourite rock .Alara had always love gemstones and rocks for as long as she could remember. The one Harry was holding was purple but shined iridescent when it caught the light in the right way.The fact was she had about fifty of them. After her 20th one Octavia put her foot down and said no more but Sirius just couldn't say no to his daughters adorable puppy eyes.

The nine month old narrowed her eyes at the young Harry, she started towards him and was about to snatch the Crystal out of the little thief's hands when she was suddenly scooped up into the arms of her uncle Moony. "I'll see you on Thursday pup alright?". She squirmed in his arms desperately trying to return to her rescue mission. The rest of the group entered the room sitting around the kids and Remus passed Alara to her dad. She wriggled and leaned away as much as she could and the adults soon realised what she was trying to achieve.
"Aw sweetie just let Harry play with the Gem" her mother said, amused at how angry her daughter was getting.

When she didn't stop her escape attempts the group laughed, they didn't know how such a little girl could be so determined and Harry just sat there oblivious to the world around him.
To say Alara was frustrated was an understatement. She was raging. It was HER rock and her favourite one at that. She had a very mature thought process for someone her age but that made the laughs of her family even more angering to her. Did they not understand the severity of the situation? Her prize possession had been stolen. Her rights had been violated.

She curled her tiny baby fist and let out a shrill cry of pure baby anger. The stone was ripped away from Harry as if pulled by a string and flew towards the little girl and into to her awaiting hands. All the adults in the room looked at her astonished. She had a smug smirk on her face that reminded them eerily of Sirius. Lily was quick to check that Harry hadn't been hurt by the sudden movements but he was just sat where he had been before now playing with a toy car, as though he never had the rock in the first place. James was the first one to break the silence "da fuck just happened". Whilst everyone else sat clueless, pondering how Alara could have done that, Octavia sat with only one thought running through her mind 'it's starting'.

A/n- 1246 words hope you liked this chapter. It took me a while as I edited it three times because I wanted it to be good. Let me know things I did well and things I can improve on in the comments or just say hi. If you are the first comment on this story them I have a special surprise for you which I can guarantee you will love(I hope).
Until Next times

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