15~Dumbledores Army

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The previous night:

I was sat with my friends in the Gryffindor common room. We were all trying to think of a place to hold the defence meetings but no one could come up with any ideas.

Suddenly Neville burst into the room with a huge smile on his face.

"I found it!" Me and Harry shared a confused glance at Nevilles words. "Found what?" I asked.

"A place for the meetings! It's on the seventh floor. It's a secret room!" We all raised from our seats simultaneously. "We'll lead us to it then!" We followed Neville up all the stairs and down the corridors until he stopped in front of a blank wall.

"Nev what are you-" I stopped mid-sentence as a door started to materialise in front of us. My mouth dropped open in shock and I followed the others as they pushed the door open and stepped inside.

It was a large rectangular room with light blue walls except for one that was a huge mirror and The floors were a sturdy dark wood. In one coroner was a bookcase full of books about defence against the dark arts and pillows were scattered in front of it. In another corner There we're around 12 practice dummy's that looked eerily similar o deatheaters.

"Wow Neville you've found it!" Hermione wandered around the room in excitement but inevitably ended up at the bookcase.

"Found what 'mione?" Ron sounded as confused as I felt. "The Room of Requirement. It can become whatever you need."

"So say you really needed the toilet." We laughed at his question but Hermione just looked disgusted "charming Ronald."

Current time:

"Do you this everyone will find the room okay?" Harry asked. He had been stressed all day about the first meeting and how it would go. I had offered to help him with the lesson plan but he had refused, saying he wanted to do it himself.

"Yes Harry it'll be fine." I intertwined our fingers and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. He smiled at me gratefully. "You are the best Alara." He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. I felt him place a long kiss to my neck, sending a foreign feeling around my body, it wasn't unpleasant it was just something I had never felt before.

The sound of the door opening caused us to draw apart, standing side-by-side. Around five people came through the door, smiling and greeting us. Over the span of five minutes small groups continued to appear until the whole of the group was present. I saw Harry send a panicked look at Hermione as the chatter started to die down and everyone looked to Him.

Hermione joined me and Harry at the front of the group, easing some of Harry's anxiety. "Hello again so I think first we ought to Elect a leader."

"Harry's leader of course." Juliets horrid voice echoed off of the walls, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. As Hermione turned to reply her features turned cold and hard like a mask. "Yes but we out to vote to make it more official." She addressed the rest of the group "who votes for Harry as leader?" Everyone in the room raised their hands into the air, causing Harry to flush slightly. "Well we also should have a name. Any ideas?"

"How about the defence association? The DA for short?" Cho suggested. "Oh but let's make it stand for Dumbledores Army! Because that's what they fear the most!" Ginny added. A hum of agreement buzzed across the room.

"Great idea Ginny! Dumbledores army it is then!" She scrawled 'Dumbledores army' across the top of the sheet with all our names on and stuck it to the glass wall. She nodded to Harry and joined the crowd, letting him take over.

"Right so I think the first thing we should practice is disarming. I know it's simple but it's helped me a lot-" he was interrupted suddenly "Disarming, god that's so easy how will this ever be useful?". Instead of being angry Harry replied calmly and assertively. A level of maturity I hadn't seen Harry use before. "Well I used it against him last year. If you think your above it then you can leave." Zach, who had made the comment, flushed red in embarrassment but didn't move from where he was standing.

"Right so let's separate into pairs and get practicing on each other." Chatter rose again as people stared to work on their disarming. Wands were flying everywhere although there was definite room for improvement. I couldn't get Harry's beaming smile after the lesson had finished out of my head. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

A few weeks later:

Having the DA had definitely been uplifting. It made me happy to know that we were doing something about Umbridge.

Snow had settled around the grounds and Christmas break was fast approaching. It soon came to be the last DA meeting before the holidays.

"So because this is out last meeting before the holidays I don't see the point in starting anything new. So just decide on some things we have gone over that you feel you need to work on and practice in pairs." Like the past meetings everyone did as they were told without question. I walked around the class like Harry did, helping students with spells they couldn't do if Harry was busy. We had agreed after the first meeting that I didn't really need the teaching so I could be Harry's Glamorous assistant. His words not mine.

"Hey Alara can you help me with this?" A voice called. I turned to see Seamus looking at me hopefully. I smiled "sure." I didn't notice Harry's glare as I went to help Seamus.

I helped Seamus with stupefy for a bit until he got it, he gave me a grateful smile as I walked away. Harry blew his whistle and the spell casting came to a stop and everyone gave him their attention. "So we won't be meeting again until after the holidays." This was met with groans of disappointment. "You have  all done amazing so thank you for coming and Merry Christmas." People started to file out and I excitedly went up to Harry to congratulate but I was interrupted by Juliet. "Thanks for helping me out Harry. I really appreciate it." She winked at him and left, not even acknowledging my presence.

I looked at Harry hurt "what did she mean by that?" I asked. He shrugged and looked just as confused as I did. When he recognised the upset on my features he quickly turned soft and stepped closer. "She didn't mean anything alright? If I wanted her I wouldn't be with you okay?" His reassurance made me feel better about it and he's right. We should trust Each other.

He took another step towards me and closed the distance. Our arms wrapped around each other as he brought me into a kiss. It started out soft and innocent but it quickly became more. Our grips on each other tightened and our lips fought angrily. Our tongues danced around each other in perfect harmony.

He moved us backwards so my back pressed against the wall. The cold surface cooled the heat that was spreading throughout my body. Harrys right hand slid down, resting on my thigh. Whilst his left hand slid underneath my shirt and pressing me harder against him. It was when our hips collided that we broke apart, red-faced and panting. "We should probably head back to Gryffindor tower..."

"Yeah..yeah we should." He agreed. Our eyes met and we both burst into laughter at our awkwardness. He took my hand in his own and led me back to the tower.

The staffroom episode 3- caught red handed.
Severus: Minerva may I have a word in private?
Minnie: Of course Severus.
Severus: May I suggest that you and your partner conduct your kissing somewhere other than the hallways at night? I have already been traumatised twice I don't need it to happen again.
Minnie: Of course I'm sorry Severus. But don't forget the amount of times I caught you with a certain someone back in the day...
Severus: Minerva that was over a long time ago. Ever since that night.

A/n~ 1309 words. So they are only 15 so they won't be doing anything spicy....yet. But until then should I keep including half-spice like in this chapter? Let me know if it was okay because I don't know lol I haven't even had my first kiss yet 😭. I know in the books we see three meetings including Christmas but I felt like I had to speed it up a little bit because so much has happened already. Also anymore guesses on who Minnies love interest is? And who was Snape  caught with when he was at school?


Love, Author x

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