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The sunlight acted as a gentle alarm clock as it showered down upon my bed from the mouth of the cave . I rose from my bed and stretched out all my muscles. 'I can't wait to sleep in a real bed again' I thought.

I stood up and clicked the emerald on my necklace, asking for a more practical outfit. I was dressed in my usual converse and leggings with a black top and sage green lightweight rain coat. Looking down at the ground I saw my collection of new weapons that I can conceal over my body. I rolled my eyes, do I really need this many weapons?

I strapped the throwing stars to just below my left elbow, securing them tightly. I now have five daggers so where do I put them? I strapped one to my right wrist, one on my thigh like Hermione's, one to my upper left arm and one to my hip underneath my top. I stashed the smallest one away in my shoe.

After having a filling breakfast of meat, I clambered up onto the raised piece of rock to say my goodbyes. The dragons stood waiting patiently for me to begin "Now as I am still in school I will not be able to be here all year round. But I have Artemis here who is my familiar so that means we have a telepathic communication, so you can trust that all decisions are still made by me, just through her.I'll see you all soon."

The dragons bowed as I slung my backpack over my shoulder, securing it slightly. It would be a six hour flight to Hogwarts plus some stops to eat food on the way. I morphed into my dragon form and took off into the morning sky.

It was beautiful. The sky was a gradient of pinks and blues, birds chirped from all aroumd as the English countryside passed beneath me. I wondered if Harry would be glad to see me Or if he would be mad at me for what had happened. No matter how much I thought of other people the only thing at the front of my mind was the kiss we had shared at the end of my first life. He was like a drug to me, once I had that little taste in the lake the only thing I wanted was more. I wondered if he felt the same way.

I could tell I was heading in the right direction not just because of my abilities but because as I grew closer to the place where I would see Harry again the aching in my heart lessened and lessened but still never fully went away.

At about midday I stopped in a small forest to have some food. I sat at the base of a tall oak tree and ate away at my small food supply. 'When I get to school I need to talk to Dumbledore' I thought. Lily had told me of all the horrible things that Dumbledore had done but there was no denying that he was a powerful resource and I can't do this alone. I won't tell him everything, just what I think he needs to know. It probably would be best if I join the order as well. So I can know what they are planning and help them. I'll have to convince Dumbledore though that's the only thing that could go wrong.

I put my backpack on once again and set off to Hogwarts, only three more hours to go.  I can't wait to see my dad. Just thinking about seeing him and Moony again makes me smile.


Darkness had fallen by the time I made it to Hogwarts. I flew into the entrance hall, transforming in midair and landing lightly on my feet. My heart was beating rapidly and my hands became clammy. This is the moment. Everyone is going to know I'm back. I can't wait to see the look on Juliets  face when I walk through those doors.

I took a deep breath and straightened my posture. Without hesitation I walked forward and pushed the doors to the great hall wide open.

Harry POV:

The doors to the great hall opened and gasps spread throughout the hall. The new Defence teacher Professor Umbridge looked absolutely mortified. I turned to see what all the fuss was about and there she was.

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