12~ Accusations

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I walked up the stairs by myself , thinking about the Hogwarts feast and how hungry I was.I suddenly heard someone call my name behind me.

"ALARA!" I turned and saw Cedric running full speed towards me. I ran down the steps and crashed into Cedric. He lifted me up in the air and spun me around, holding me tight against him. When he placed me back on the floor I pulled back from the hug. All the way up to the great hall we talked about our summers until we split off to go to our house tables.

I went to the very back of the table nearest the door and sat down, as soon as I sat the people around me shuffled as far away as they could, some physically got up to move places. Soon enough I had a huge space to myself at the end of the table with only Artemis next to me.

I looked up from petting Artemis to see Cedric glaring at the rest of the Gryffindors for what they were doing to me.

More people filed into the hall but the ones that caught my eye were the Golden trio. As soon as Hermione saw me all by myself a look of pity rose up onto her face and she made a beeline straight towards me dragging Ron behind her. Harry didn't need dragging because as soon as he saw me he was walking towards me at the same speed as Hermione, huh strange. Hermione plopped herself down next to me, the boys across from us. "Hello Alara,..... we are sorry if our questions scared you off."

"It's okay don't worry about it" I gave her a smile and turned to the front of the hall as Minnie stood and began reading out the first years names.

As soon as all the students were sorted, mounds upon mounds of savoury foods appeared magically in-front of us.
The Golden trio made light conversation amongst themselves as we ate, they probably didn't want to talk about anything too important with me around. I happily ignored the constant glances I was getting from all the houses. The one thing that made me smile was seeing Malfoy with a fist-shaped bruise on the side of his head.

Once everyone had eaten and were nearly dozing off from being so content and full, Dumbledore stood to make his announcements.

"To our new students welcome. And to our old students welcome back. I am glad to announce two changes in staff this year. Firstly the position as defence against the dark arts professor will be taken by Mr Remus Lupin." Students clapped politely but I am confident in saying that I clapped the loudest. "And due to the former professor wanting to spend his time with his remaining limbs, the professor for care of magical creatures class with be taken by none other that Rubeus Hagrid who has agreed to teach on top of his game keeping duties." Loud cheers erupted from three of the four house tables, I think you guys can guess which table didn't cheer. Hagrid stood, knocking the staff table slightly as he did so, and raised his hand in recognition.

"Unfortunately I must now inform you of some much darker news. This year Hogwarts will play host to the dementors of Azkaban. Dementors cannot be tricked by spells or enchantments or even..... invisibility cloaks." The golden trio shared a look at the last part. " It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving, so I ask you to not give them any reason to harm you. I trust that our head girl and boy will keep any students from running afoul with the Dementors. I will not keep you from your beds any longer, Goodnight"

A great scraping noise echoed throughout the hall as the benches were pushed back. I dashed from the hall quickly with Artemis at my feet, hoping to get away from the whispers and , more importantly, the golden trio.

I was about to go up the stairs to the girls dormitory when I realised that my shoelace was untied. I bent down to tie it and when I resurfaced the trio was standing right in front of me.

Instead of Hermione speaking up like I thought she would, Ron confronted me.

"Did you help your dad escape?" When I didn't answer he took that as a sign to continue "He wants my best mate dead and I'll be damned if I let that happen, so just stay away , yeah?" The way he was talking to me it sounded like I had tried to kill Harry already. Hermione went to put her hand on my shoulder, probably in comfort, but Ron snatched her back mid air and pulled her behind him as if I would attack her at any second. "RON WHAT THE" she exclaimed when she was dragged. Harry just stood their and did nothing.

Anger flashed dangerously in my eyes. Is this really what they thought of me? I had never done anything but help them? I have never been an ounce of unkind towards them. Not wanting them to think I was going to kill them, I pushed past Ron, practically falling out of the portrait whole. I ran straight out of the unguarded front door and into the forbidden forest.

I could hear the tweeting of the birds and the leaves gently rustling in the breeze. I sat on the floor my back against a tree. The rough bark was digging into my back but I couldn't feel a thing. My anger had subsided and I just sat feeling numb.

I know my father isn't a murderer but what if I am? My whole family on my dads side (minus a couple) are a bunch a psychopaths. What if I am like them?

A twig snapped behind me and I got up onto my feet, twisting towards the noise. I could hear something coming towards me. I walked backwards, slowly edging towards the other end of the little clearing where I was staying.

A unicorn walked through the trees. It's soft white hair and golden horn emitting a glow like a lantern. I made a move forward but a twig snapped underneath me. It scampered off back in the direction it came from.

Disappointed I didn't get to pet a unicorn I trudged back up towards the castle. The watch on my wrist told me a I had about ten minutes until curfew.

When I entered the common room again there was only two or three people in there, I was glad I wouldn't have to see Ronald again. Without meeting any of the stares that were directed my way I went straight up to my dorm room that I shared with Hermione, Lavender and Pavarti.

Two of the three girls were already asleep, Hermione however was sitting on her bed in her pyjamas chewing on her lip. As soon as I entered the room she bounced off of her bed and ran over to me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. When I pulled back I saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so so so sorry about Ron. He doesn't know what he is on about. We know you're not helping your father he is just very protective and....." she rambled on, profusely apologising over and over again for Ron's accusations against me.

"Hermione..... Hermione......HERMIONE!" Her talking subsided as she stared at me with watery eyes "it's okay, I'm over it"
"Really" with one last hug and a reassuring smile we both slipped into our beds, but what Hermione didn't see was the scowl on my face. I was determined to prove them all wrong. I would not become my family. Despite everything he had done to me, I would do everything in my power to protect Harry Potter.
A/n~1324 words. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It was very fun the write. Also there is a clue in the banner picture of something that will happen this year. Honestly yall aren't ready for everything I have planned you will probably have whiplash from all the twists and turns this story will take.

Love, Author

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