19~ Court

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The noise blared in my head like a siren....or I'm just being dramatic. But really the noise was super loud. 'Alara we need you at the clan immediately! Alara come on and answer me!' I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning widely. 'Yeah Artemis I'm on my way don't worry!'. As quickly as I could I changed into some casual clothes and headed downstairs. I bumped into my mum on the way, telling her about where I was going.

"The clan said they need me so I gotta go. Do you think you could apparate me to the valley? It's too far to fly." She grabbed her keys from the counter "yeah of course." Together we went to leave but were stopped just as we opened the door. "Where are you guys running off to?" Dad wandered over, holding his cereal in his hand. I was about to answer but mum got there first "Just....shopping?" Her answer sounded more like a question, causing dads brows to furrow. Before he could question us any further mum grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door, shutting it behind us.

When we materialised in the centre of the valley warmth envelopedme completely. The fires that dotted the ground sent a warm glow over us. We were met with Aeres running up to us "Alara it's this way." Me and Mum followed her through the crowds of dragons doing various tasks, some training, some bathing and some sleeping. Aeres led us to the main cave and straight to one of the nests. Inside was a singular whelp covered in blood.

"What the hell happened?!" One of the dragons I had never spoken to before stepped forward, he bowed as he approached me, his deep voice filling the cavern "The baby is blind your majesty, we found him in the woods alone and we suspect his mother was taken by wizards." My brow furrowed in thought "What would you normally do with this situation?" The dragon shuffled on his clawed feet nervously "Well because the child doesn't have a mother to raise him and his blindness would be problematic we would....put him out of his misery."

The baby's cry's filled the carvers and it was like something inside me awakened.....something maternal. It was as if this baby dragon was my own and so was every other dragon in the clan. They were my family and no one in my family gets left behind.

Panicked yells came from the other side of the hall. Human yells. Me and mum watched wide eyed as dad was dragged up to us by a dragon. "Dad what the fuck are you doing here?!" He struggled in the dragons jaw, his arm locked between their teeth "A little help here!" He looked to mum to help him. "Let him go." She said. The dragon didn't budge. I smirked slightly knowing dad was about to get the shock of his life "Release him." I ordered. Immediately dad was set free, stumbling forward and looking at me confused.

"How did you do that?" Me and mum shared a smile, neither knowing what dads reaction would be. "I'm not the Queen." She started "I am." Instead of confusion, pride broke through my dads shock. "That's so awesome! My daughter is the Queen of dragons!" He brought me and mum into a hug, his blood from the puncture marks leaking into our clothes.

"Wait dad how much do you know about us?" He stepped back from the hug "Your mum told me about the family history when she got back, not anything about your adventures though." I nodded in understanding.

"So Alara what are we going to do?" Dad joined us at the side of the nest, gasping when he saw the whelp. "Now that I'm Queen I'm responsible for every dragon in the clan. You are all my family now and no one in my family gets left behind." The dragon who had brought dad in addressed me in concern. "But your majesty all the others mothers are busy with their own children and we have no one to raise it."

"Then I will." Some dragons gasped in shock. To them this probably sounded crazy. "A human raising a dragon? That's preposterous! It needs a dragon mother!"

"Well I'm not exactly human am I?" I picked the baby up into my arms, it sniffed me curiously as I rocked it back and forth. His cry's ceased.

I turned around to face the clan, the baby dragon still in my arms. "I hereby name him Cariad meaning love. He will be raised by me and that is final. Now I want someone to bring me a basin of water and a cloth please."

Queen of beasts ~Harry x Oc Where stories live. Discover now