3~ Muderer

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The next morning me and Reggie repacked all of our things into the backpack and got ready to set off to the Gaunt family shack.

After saying our goodbyes to Kreacher we joined hands and squeezed into the darkness. My feet hit the ground with a crunch. The sun filtered through the treetops of the woods we were stood in. "Which way to the shack?" I asked.

Regulus pointed straight forward "this way." We walked as silence as possible along the noisy forest floor, keeping a look out for any deatheater guards that might be lurking about. We came to the edge of the forest but quickly had to dive behind a tree.

Outside of the Gaunt house was a death eater. They stood right outside of the door with their wand drawn. "Right" Regulus whispered "I'll distract them and you go look inside okay?" I nodded to him and watched as he shot a spell at the death eater, leading them off into the woods.

As fast as I could I went into the Gaunt shack. Everywhere I looked there was a thick blanket of dust. I searched the tabletops and all the cabinets but saw nothing of significance. I stepped towards the other side of the house creak the floorboard creaked under my foot. Huh weird.

I got down onto my knees and pulled at the board. It came away from the floor easily to reveal a small compartment that contained a ring. Why would somebody hide a ring unless it was extremely important to them? With a triumphant smile of my face  I slipped the ring into my pocket and ran out of the door to help Regulus.

Regulus was on his knees and breathing heavily, cuts decorated his face and arms. The death eater in front of him raised his wand "Avada~" his killing curse was cut of by my sword going through his back.

I plunged it straight through his heart, only realising what I had done when it was too late. His dead body slid off of my sword and hit the ground with a thud. His warm blood saturated the ground beneath us as I stared at him in horror.

"Alara hey Alara it's okay." I felt Regulus grab my arm and apparate me away. We landed in a clearing surrounded by trees. He dropped to his knees again and clutched the cuts on his arms. I sat down in front of him and placed my hands over his cuts, channeling the energy I had left into him. The tears of regret blurred my vision but I did my best.

When I was done he brought me into a hug "Thank you Alara... thank you." The tears only went faster. I don't deserve his comfort "I'm a murderer." His whole body froze against mine and held me tighter.

"Alara he was a death eater you saved many lives. Think of how many people he would have gone on to kill. Also it's one less person working for Voldemort."

He stood up and pulled a small package from the backpack. Regulus placed it on the ground and shot a spell at it. The package exploded into a bunch of fabric, weaving its self in and out of each other and eventually forming a tent. "Come on Alara in you go."

I entered the tent and looked around. It had been magically extended with wooden floors all throughout. There was two bunk beds, a small fridge a a round table with two chairs.

I sat down in one of the chairs and stared down at the floor. Now matter what Regulus said it didn't change the fact that I killed someone. What if they had a family and kids? What if they have a dog and it starves because they never came home?

"Did you find anything in the shack?" Regulus sitting across from me snapped me out of my thoughts. I placed the ring on the table and pressed the emerald of my necklace, putting me back into regular clothes. "So is this the horcrux?"

"It was hidden under a floorboard so yeah I think so."

"We should find somewhere safe to keep the Horcruxes so no one can steal them back from us." He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small brown pouch "here" he held it out to me and I took it in my hands "what is it?" He opened it and placed both of the Horcruxes we have so far into the pouch. "Well it's a pouch that will only open for the owner and now I'm giving it to you so you can keep them safe."

"Good idea uncle Regulus." I put the pouch into my coat pocket and zipped it up. "Come on let's both just chill out. Wanna play Wizarding cards?" Wizarding cards is the same thing as regular cards but instead of the muggle suits it's famous wizards and people.

As we played I pulled a card out of the go fish pile and it was the chamber of secrets. Wow fun memories. I still can't believe the young Tom riddle was in a book. He looked so normal but nice he looks like a snake. I wonder why that is...wait.


"Oh my god Regulus I just figured out two of the Horcruxes!" His head whipped up to me faster than lightning as shock filled his face "well what are they?!"

I placed the chamber of secrets car down on the table. "It's the diary which was already destroyed and the snake! That's why he has no nose because he took on part of a snake like appearance because he shared his soul with it."

"Oh my God you're right." He pulled out one of our Horcrux notes and scribbled it down on the piece of paper then placed it back in the bag.

"We've done enough for today let's sleep yeah?" I nodded goodnight to him and slipped between the sheets of one of the bunk beds. I prayed for the safety of sleep to save me from this eventful day.

But it turns out even sleep couldn't protect me from what I had done. As soon as sleep engulfed me I was standing in front of the bleeding man that I had killed. His blood snaked up by body and covered me. His family members surrounded me shouting at me and a dog was barking in the distance. I felt a sharp burn on my arm and instead of my moon tattoo I saw the dark mark.

I screamed at the sight of it on my wrist and jolted awake. My whole body was covered in sweat and my palms were bloody from digging my nails into them. Reggie was by my side, I guess he had tried to wake me up.

He brought me into a comforting hug "it's going to be okay Alara... it's all going to be okay.."

A/n~ 1181 words.😭😭 My baby is hurting. So what did you guys think of this chapter. It's kinda weird for me because I read the chapters again before I post them and I'm so far ahead on chapters lol. Oh god I have to start school Tomorrow that's gonna suck xx see you next chapter❤️❤️❤️

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