Chapter 3

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When JJ got up to her and Will's apartment, she didn't open the door right away. Instead, she took a deep breath to ready herself for whatever was on the other side of the door. She hadn't finished listening to the voice mail that he had left, so she had no idea what frame of mind he was in. After she squared her shoulders and gave herself a pep talk, she pushed her key into the door and walked in. Maybe if she just acted perky enough he wouldn't be so mad. JJ, listen to yourself. Do you realize how idiotic you're being?

"Will?" she called out, setting her briefcase in the kitchen chair. She heard a rustling in the bedroom and Will appeared as she was taking off her jacket.

"Where were you? You didn't answer your phone," he said. She could smell the alcohol on him and he wasn't even standing that close. That was a discouraging fact.

"I was driving when you called, I didn't want to get pulled over," she said, giving him the best smile she could. He narrowed his eyes at her, clearly suspicious. Even though she was horrified of what he might do, she walked forward and draped her arms around his shoulders, giving him a delicate kiss on the cheek. She had to sell it.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said. She could hear the lie in her voice but she hoped since he was drunk he wouldn't notice. He did. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back harshly. The only thing that kept her from falling onto the ground was running into the counter full force, which she quickly grabbed to steady herself.

"Stop it! Lies don't look good on you, just like everything else," he said, giving her a disgusted sneer.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, sounding like she had no idea what he was talking about. She tried to ignore the other comment, knowing that he only said to break her down. She wouldn't let him get in her head. You're still here. Hasn't he already gotten into your head?

"Late nights at the office? Not calling to check in while you're on the case? It's that boss of yours, isn't it? You're fucking him, you slut," he said, spitting the words callously as he got closer to her. His breath reeked of booze and his finger was jabbing in her face. She attempted not to flinch but she couldn't help it. This wasn't like him. She had never heard him say the things he was saying. He never even said those things about anybody else.

"No, Will, of course not! I would never do that to you," she said, trying to calm him down.

"Don't lie to me, whore!" he yelled, emphasizing the insult with a hard backhand. JJ's head snapped to one side, and her brain spun from the pain that laid across the bruise she already had. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she could hardly get the courage to straighten up again and look him in the eye. She could taste blood in her mouth from where her lip knocked into her teeth. She finally straightened up and looked at him.

"You're drunk, maybe we should talk about this tomorrow," she said, trying to move past him. He reached out and grabbed her upper arm, slamming her back into the counter. Pain jarred her back where it connected and she winced noticeably.

"Oh, what? The big, tough FBI agent can't handle it? I bet this isn't half as rough as that boss gives it to you," he said, shaking her by her arm. He used his other hand to slap her across the face again. JJ could hardly keep standing. A slap from a man is so much stronger than a slap from a woman. A slap from a woman JJ could endure relentlessly, but with how heavy Will's hands were she didn't know how much more she could take. He was cutting off circulation to her hand with how hard his grip was. She thought of her gun, but it was in her briefcase across the room.

"Will, please," she said, looking at him pleadingly, trying to keep the trembling from her lip. He let go of her arm and turned the other way.

"Get out of my sight. I can't even look at you," he said, the repulsion evident on his face. JJ walked briskly to the bedroom and into the master bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind her. Once she was safely locked away she let the tears fall, streaming down her stinging cheeks. She leaned against the wall and slid down until she was sitting.

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