Chapter 10

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"Hey, no! I said I'll get it," JJ said, pushing Reid's shoulder back into the couch before he could try and pull a quick move. She'd been babying him a little for the past five days, and he swore he was fine, but she wasn't taking any chances.

"Come on! You've been coddling for the past five days and slowly degrading the small amount of masculinity I have left!" he said as she walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Her laugh resounded from the kitchen and he cracked a huge grin. He watched the sway of her hips as she walked back, wanting to run his hands all over her body. She'd insisted all week that sex would be too strenuous. She'd satiated him in other ways and he'd reciprocated as best he could but she didn't like him to exert himself too physically.

"I'm sorry! I just worry, ok?" she said, handing him the glass of water and sitting back down.

"You know the doctor said I didn't have to be so careful after the first three days," he said. She'd been in the room when the doctor told her but she seemed to have conveniently forgotten that detail. He was pretty sure she still felt like it was her fault and was possibly over-compensating, but he had told her it wasn't her fault a thousand times. Even Emily had called her several times to check up and they'd had the same conversation.

"Ugh, fine! What do you want to do with your new found freedom?" she asked, tossing her hands up in defeat. She had a couple ideas about what she wanted to do-jumping his bones being one of the many-but she wanted him to choose. She'd kept him bed-ridden for longer then necessary, but she felt like she owed him at least that if not so much more.

Reid had a pensive thought like he was formulating a plan which made JJ both excited and nervous. That face usually came with something sneaky, the way he was narrowing his hazel eyes at her with purpose. He sat up a little and leaned back on his elbows, studying her carefully.

"I think we should go somewhere," he said. That clearly wasn't the end of his idea, but he started with just that. Silence after told her she needed to continue.

"Ok, where would you like to go?" she asked slowly, drawing the words out. Her interest was piqued.

"I think you should put on a really nice dress, and I should put on a suit, and we should go to dinner at a location of my choosing. We can embrace our societal gender standards for the night," he said with his crooked grin. That wasn't what she thought he was going to say at all, but she was all for the idea.

"That sounds amazing. I'll have to go by my place and get some stuff, though," she said. The idea of going there was not appealing in the least, but it wasn't like she could put it off forever. She'd paid rent for another month so she could have time to find a place, but she'd still been avoiding it.

"Oh. I can go with you, if you want," he offered immediately.

"Actually, I think I'll ask Emily. It's her day off, maybe she can help me get ready, then it can be a surprise," she said with a smile. Reid grinned wide, his white teeth beautiful.

Reid couldn't remember if he'd ever seen JJ in formal attire, but he was incredibly excited for the experience. She was beautiful in his t-shirt with no make-up and shorts, but he could only imagine how stunning she'd be at dinner.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. They'd kissed a hundred times by now but it was always just as amazing as the first time. More familiar, so they'd gotten somehow better at it, but it had the same intense impact as before. He pressed a hand to the back of her head and ran a tongue over her bottom lip to deepen the kiss. She smiled against him and met his tongue with hers but before he could get too out of hand she stopped him.

"I have to call Emily!" she said, standing up and going to the kitchen to get her phone.

"I knew the denial of oxygen and sustenance could kill but I had no idea the effect you would have," he groaned. JJ shot him a mischievous smile over her shoulder while she pressed her phone to her ear.

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