Chapter 12

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It was the first day back at work for both JJ and Reid, and so far things were going great. So far there hadn't been an urgent case that'd required their travel, and everyone had been acting pretty normal. Derek shot him a lot of weird, suspicious looks. Emily smiled deviously a lot, and Hotch was...well...Hotch. Face usually pinched in concern and focusing on work non-stop.

Reid took comfort in the fact that things were pretty much the same around the office. Hotch tried to tell him he should stay out of the field for a while, but Reid talked his way out of that one as quickly as possible.

"Conference room, five minutes," Hotch's voice pulled Reid from his paper work.

Emily glanced up at him and made an ominous look before gathering her papers and heading in the direction of the room. Reid watched JJ leave her office and walk towards the conference room, her pencil skirt hugging every curve. He found it even harder not to get distracted by her now that he knew what that outfit covered. Every inch of it. He felt a boiling in his stomach so he quickly recited every grisly fact about murderers in his head in quick succession. The burn stopped, killing any erection that was trying to occur.

He hurried to the conference room and found a seat next to Emily. Unfortunately when he looked up he caught a glimpse down JJ's blouse, but he tried to act like he hadn't noticed. Emily had certainly noticed because when he looked at her she had a knowing smile that made him blush.

Once everyone was in the conference room, JJ stood up and turned on the monitor, showing grisly images of various dead women in grassy fields. He instantly saw the connection that they were all brunette with blue eyes, but that was fairly obvious. He couldn't find the direct correlation until he knew more about the victims.

"Five women were found murdered in some fields surround Dallas, Texas. As far as we can tell there's been no sexual assault, but each of their husband's had gone missing just shortly before their bodies were found. The men's bodies have yet to be found."

JJ flipped to pictures of the husbands who had nothing physically in common. The crimes clearly had more to do with the women then the men, he just had to figure out what the determining factor was. He did his best to focus on the file in front of him and ignore the wafts of JJ's scent that were rolling his way, also trying to push away the inappropriate thoughts they elicited.

"Wheel's up in twenty," Hotch said, picking his files up and walking out of the room. Reid waited until everyone else had left the conference room and then made a discrete escape to JJ's office. He'd come up with an excuse about paperwork or something later, but right then he just needed to be alone with her for a second.

He scooted in the door and closed the door behind him quietly, glad that the blinds were already closed. One less step before he could capture JJ's delicious lips in his. JJ turned around, her eyes surprised but then relieved to see him.

"I wish you didn't look so good in a sweater," JJ said with a grin, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him. His lips curled into a smile against hers and he ran his hands down from her shoulders to her waist.

"Maybe you could tone down your perfume," Reid said, pulling back to look at her big blue eyes.

"Reid, I don't wear perfume."

Reid was about to respond when there was a light knock on JJ's door and the sound of a knob turning. They jumped away from each other like they'd been struck by lightning. JJ ran her hands over her pencil skirt to smooth it out and it took everything Reid had to keep his eyes from scanning her frame again. Instead he popped open a folder and stood facing JJ like he was in the middle of asking her a question.

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