Chapter 7

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The next morning, JJ slowly woke up, feeling Reid's chest under her head and his deep breaths brushing against her face. She sighed deeply, closing her eyes again and reveling in what it felt like to be wrapped in his arms. She loved him. More than she had ever loved another person. Reid stirred under her and she propped her chin on his chest so she could see him. He blinked his eyes a couple times and then looked at her, automatically smiling.

"Morning," he said, his voice adorably groggy. He stretched and rubbed his eyes. When he had first been waking up he had been horrified the night before was just a dream. But seeing JJ there, with her head resting on his chest and her smile beaming at him, he was elated.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" she asked, leaning forward and kissing him before he could answer. He wrapped his arm around JJ and returned her kiss. When she pulled back he kissed her on the forehead before she laid her head back down.

"I slept perfectly. You?" he asked. He was tracing a pattern on JJ's side with his fingertips, marveling at how smooth her skin was.

"Very well, thank you," she said. The silence that followed was interrupted by the sound of JJ's stomach growling. They both burst into laughter once her stomach was done whining.

"I suppose we could be civilized people and get out of bed, maybe get you something to eat," Reid said, laughing a little.

JJ laughed, thinking about the alternative which was staying in bed-all day, having sex.

"What time is it, anyway?" she asked.

"Ten in the morning."

JJ sat up and stretched, the sheet falling down to her hips and giving Reid a full view of her beautifully naked body. Just looking at her made him want to lock the door and stay in his room all day, making love to her and worshipping her in every way possible. The silence was broken again by JJ's stomach and Reid decided it was more important to get her some food.

"Alright, let's go," Reid said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and walking to his dresser to get some clothes. He didn't hear JJ move so he looked over his shoulder. She was looking at him hungrily, with the smallest smile on her face.

"What?" he asked, stepping into the boxers he had picked out. JJ broke out of the stare and got off the bed, walking past Reid towards the bathroom to get her go bag.

"Nothing, you're just beautiful," she said, hiding nothing as she walked down the hall. Reid unabashedly watched her walk down the hall way, noticing the familiar sway in her walk that he always watched at work. Once she turned the corner into the bathroom Reid continued getting dressed, glad that his hair was now short so that it took no maintenance other than running a hand through it.

JJ pulled on some panties and a bra, rummaging through her bag for the pair of jeans she knew was in there somewhere. Eventually she found them at the bottom and pulled them on. She had left the door open and Reid came in to brush his teeth. It all felt so natural-getting ready together, changing in front of each other. They moved around each other as though they'd been doing this for years. When JJ needed in front of the sink, Reid moved out of the way with his toothbrush in his mouth before she even got the chance to ask. When Reid was ready to spit out the toothpaste, JJ stepped back from the sink to give him space before he could ask. Maybe it was a product of working together in the field for so long, or maybe it was a product of something else. Either way, it made them both smile. They were both thinking that they never knew that it could be this easy.

"So, how do eggs sound?" Reid asked as he opened the fridge and looked inside. JJ leaned against the counter behind him, admiring the shape of his shoulders and back in the white t-shirt he was wearing. It was exciting to see him not in work clothes. She had noticed it yesterday, but somehow it was stronger today.

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