Chapter 2

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"So what's the plan then?" Dean said, Castiel then said "the location of the weapon is a museum of natural history in Birmingham, Alabama but the only problem is that it is now a home to feral Vampire." Dean then said "well that's just great feral vampire, do you know how many?" Castiel then said "more than two different families." Dean then to that "ok so we need to go in, in stealth because if they wake up we're all dead so you lot aren't coming in with us." Urial then said "yes we are." Anna then said "no we are not Urial." Urial then looked and said "why not, these humans will probably screw it all up like they did their precious earth." Dean then stood up and said "I'm getting pretty stick of the way your speaking to me, if you want my help give me some god dam respect." Non of them then said anything for a minute of two then Anna said "we have another mission that we need to attend too." Dean then said "what's that exactly." Anna then said "we are going to find the Archangel Gabriel." And as soon as she said that everyone look at her and then Castiel then said "I thought all the Archangels were extinct?" Anna then said "so did I but this came from Zachariah." Dean then said "so I've gotta ask, what the weapon?" Anna then said "it's the Lance of Michael." And after she said that all the angles disappeared.

Dean then got up and walked out of the back room and as soon as he got outside Ellen said to him "what's going on Dean?" Dean then said "the Angle have a leave on a weapon called the Lance of Michael and they think it can kill Azazel." Bobby then said to him "yeah I've read about the before the world went to crap and I thought it was lost." Dean then "well apparently it's in a museum of natural history in Birmingham, Alabama." Bobby then said "how the hell is it in a natural history museum?" Dean then said "I have no idea, I didn't ask." Jo then said to Dean "what else is their?" Dean then tensed his face and said "the museum is over run by feral vampire." Ellen then said "of course it is, can I ask something why are we help them I mean we have massive targets on our back Azazel will know we are going somewhere and he probably follow us." Dean then said "yeah I know but we are doing this now non of you have to come but." And before Dean could finish what he was saying Jo said "we're coming." Dean then smiled and said "get your crap together we move out as soon as we are ready." After he said that they all then got their stuff together picked out all the gun that they were each going to need loaded them up with dead man's blood bullets and also each pick up a machete for close combat fighting if it came to that but it didn't take them long to get everything together and once they had they all took in the Impala. They were still driving when night finally came along and once Jo and Ellen had fallen asleep Bobby said to Dean "Dean why are we doing this?" Dean then quickly looked at Bobby and said "because it's about time we kill this son of a bitch." Bobby then said "yeah your right but that's not the real reason." Dean then took a minute and said "because it's what Sam would of wanted us to do." Bobby then said to that "he would be proud of you Dean for doing this." Dean then looked at him and said "that why we've gotta win this one to make him proud and so it will make up for everything." Bobby then said "what do you mean by that?" Dean then said back "for not bringing him back and for not stopping Azazel or Lilith." Bobby then said to him "come on Dean non of this is on you." "Yeah but I could of at least try to stop them from breaking the seals now they only have one left to break and I could of don't something to stop it." Dean said, Bobby then said back to that "Dean when the gate open it all happen so far farts and before we could do anything about the world was like this completely dead and full of demon and feral monsters." Dean then said "yeah I know but I still could of done something and if we fail now were all dead or what left of us should I say." Bobby then didn't say anything back to him.

They arrived in Alabama early the next morning and when Jo, Ellen and Bobby all woke up Dean said "everyone get ready we're hear." And after he said that he parked up the Impala and then they all got out and walked to the trunk of the car and once Dean opened it up they all picked up their machine guns and machetes but Dean picked up some extra guns that where his pistol and Sam pistol and when he picked that one up he looked at it for a second and then loaded it up with dead man's blood bullets and then put both his pistol in his holsters closed the trunk of the car and then they al set off as he park a couple of blocks away from the museum. When they finally got to the museum it was nearly complete cover in vines and all the windows has been smashed to pieces and also luckily for them their door was gone as well, Dean then said before they all went in "right I have no clue what the Lance of Michael look like but I'm guessing look for something that looks like a Lance." As soon as he said that Jo said to him "I have to say that was a really good pep talk." Dean then just looked at her and then said "really Jo." Jo then just looked at him with a grin on her face and then said "what someone had to say it and it had to be me." Ellen then said "right, what the plan hear?" Dean then said "well we split up, Jo and Ellen you two go together and Bobby your with me, now from what I can see their is four floor so you two take the bottom floor and the first level and me and Bobby will take levels 3 and 4." Ellen then said "yeah, we need to be complete since as knowing feral Vampire have hearing like bats one wrong move and they will all wake up." Bobby then said "yeah we also need to watch out for demons as by now Azazel probably knows where we are so we need to be a quick as possible we don't need a fire fight hear." Jo then said to Dean "now that's a decent pep talk." Dean then just looked at her and before Dean could say anything she then said "to be honest if you can give pep talk before mission you shouldn't be in charge of us." Dean then smiled and said as he started walking up "come on let's move." They all then followed behind him.

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