Chapter 4

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Back with Ellen and Jo they had just finished clearing the first floor and as they started making their way up to the second floor Jo said "I don't think that this Lance weapon is going to be in hear." Ellen then said back "why do you think that we only looked thought one floor." Jo then said "well I just think that this is a trap for us." And as soon as she said that Jake and his army of super soldiers came bursting thought the door way and when Jake saw Jo and Ellen he said to them "well isn't this like a family reunion." Ellen then said to Jo "go, run!" They both ran started sprinting up the stairs and as soon as they started running Jake said to his Demon "go kill them." After that the started chasing them as when the Demon started chasing them the feral Vampire woke up and started going after Jo and Ellen as well as the Demons. Jake still had a couple of Demon with him and he then said "right now it's time for us to find Dean." Him and then the final set of Demons he had started walking up stairs.

While Jo and Ellen were running they were firing at some of the feral vampire and kill a couple that were amongst the demons but then quickly stopped and took cover behind some museum artefacts and then open fire on the feral Vampires as well a hitting the demons enough to slow them down for a second or too. It didn't take them long to take out all of the feral Vampire that were coming from so once they were all dead both Jo and Ellen quick dropped their guns on the floor and then pulled out their Angle blades and ran up to the demon and started fighting them throwing punch at them and killing as and when they could but after a while they started to get too much as more and more demons amongst feral Vampires until finally a Demon grabbed Jo and start punching her around the face and then pick her up of the ground and threw her into a wall and as she hit the ground Ellen turned around and shouted "JO!" And as she started running over Vampire start to swamp towards her so, Ellen throw her Angle blade across the room and it went right into the Demon stomach and killed it instantly but as Jo start to try and get herself up she looked up and saw her mum running towards her and then she saw all the feral vampire coming for her and she pulled out her gun and unload hell on the vampires coming at her BANG! BANG! BANG! Killing a vampire with every bullet she fired but she quickly ran out of bullets and as she did Ellen then pulled her gun out and started furring and kill the vampires but just before she could get to her a demon came running up behind her and grabbed her by the and then slammed her down to the ground and started beating on her and while she was fighting off the last couple of Demon at the corner of her eye she saw the last of the feral vampire rip into Jo and as soon as that happen Ellen shouted "NOOOOOO!" So she then punch the first Demon around the face and then quickly got to her feet and ran over to the Demon she killed by throwing her blade and pulled it out of it body and then instantly stabbed the first Demon in the neck and then started punching the other two and then quickly stabbed them both one in the heart and the other in the back of the head after she gave him a little fight and managed to get him down to the ground and after that she then left the Blade in the Demon head and then she pulled out her machete and then started pulling off the vampire that her ripping Jo to prices and as she pulled them of she cut each of their head up and because they were Feral Vampire they didn't put up much of a fight as they had already got what they wanted and once they where all dead, Ellen just stood their and looked at Jo body with Vampire bits all over her neck along with a massive pool of blood around her and then a second later she dropped her machete on the floor and dropped to her knees and picked up Jo lifeless body and said to her "Jo, honey please wake up, please I can't lose you." She then started crying as she knew that Jo was gone.

Back with Bobby and Dean, Dean then said "right Bobby get that Lance and then we need to get they hell out of hear before those Vampire get in hear." Bobby then rushed over to the Lance and then before Bobby could get his hands on it they both suddenly heard a load of crashing and fighting coming from outside the room, Dean then looked back at Bobby and then a second BANG! Everything that was covering the door came crashing back into the room along with the door to the room and a second later Jake and a bunch of Demon walked into a room and as soon as Dean saw him his face filled up with rage and Jake then said to him "oh come on Dean, why such the sower look." Dean then said back "oh you better watch what you say before I come over their and rip your throat out." Jake then said "oooo Dean, is really any need for that." Dean then just looked at him and then pulled both of his pistol out of their holsters and pointed them at Jake, Jake then said "come on now Dean before you could get a single bullet out of either of those." Dean then said "what about my machine gun I think that would work just nice." Dean then put his pistol away and grab his machine gun what was behind his back that was hanging their from the gun strap and he then pointed it at Jake and said "you think your Demons could get to me quick enough now?" Jake then smiled and before he could say anything Bobby said "the thing is Jake if you killed Dean I would kill you before you could touch a single hair on my head." Bobby then took a couple of steps forward to stand next to Dean and then Jake saw that Bobby was holding the Lance Of Michael and Jake then said "oh my god, it's real." Bobby then said "oh yeah it's real and if I'm honest I would like to see how it works." Dean then laughed and then Jake said "I think I'm going to have to take that from you know." Bobby then looked at Dean and they both smiled, Dean then said "well I mean we're not going to give it to you." Jake then said "we'll I'm just going to have to take it from because Azazel would be please if I came with you lot dead and the Lance Of Michael." Dean then said " come and take it then."

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