Chapter 5

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"Kill them." Jake said to his Demon and as soon as he said that his Demons charge at Dean and Bobby and as soon as they got to them Dean pulled out his Angle Blade but before Dean could used it two of the Dean grabbed Dean be each of his arms and push him up to a wall making him drop his Angle Blade on the floor and while that was happing Some Demons cane at Bobby and he then instantly used the Lance to stab one of the Demon in the chest and as soon as he pulled the Lance out of his the Demon instantly burst into flames and then before Bobby could stab another Demon one of then managed to punch him around the face and then kick him in the stomach and he then fell to the floor dropping the Lance in the process and when Dean saw that happen he then headed butted one of the Demon and he instantly leg got of Dean arm so he then quickly kicked the Demon and he then punched the other Demon in the face and he then rushed over to his pick up his Angle Blade and when he did he quickly threw the Blade right into the Demon face that was beating on the Bobby and then with a flash of red light the Demon was dead and then Bobby quickly got up and grabbed the Lance and quickly notice that while Dean was beating on one of the Demon the other one was coming for him so Bobby then ran up and stabbed the Demon with the Lance and he quickly burst into flames and Dean didn't even notice as he was beating on this Demon but before Dean knew it the Demon managed to get a punch on Dean around the face that sent Dean to the ground but luckily Bobby quickly pulled out his Angle Blade from the other Demon face and said as he threw it over to Dean "DEAN!" Dean then looked up and saw Bobby throwing the his blade and he then instantly caught it and then quickly got up and then ran into the Demon and stabbed him as he ran into him and with a flash of red light he was dead and as Dean pulled out the knife the Demon feel to the floor and then both Dean and Bobby looked at Jake and he started clapping and he then said " we'll done I mean that was very entertaining to watch but I think it's my turn." Dean then said "yeah we'll like I said come on then." After that he start running towards Dean but before he could get to himself Bobby stepped in the way and smacked him with the Lance and as soon as Jake hit the ground Bobby said to him "I thought you could sense things like that." Jakes face then filled with anger and he then jumped up and grabbed Bobby by the neck and threw him across the room casing him to smash into the wall and then hit the ground, Jake then smiled as he saw the Lance Of Michael a couple of steps in front on his him and as he walked over to it and picked it up he smiled and then said to Bobby as he just got himself back up to his feet "well it looks like the world is finally going to be rid of hunters." And as he said that he then started walking towards him and as he did Bobby started laughing and then Jake said "what's so funny your about to die." Bobby then said "well I would look behind you." Jake then turn around and saw Dean standing their with his machine gun pointing right at him and Dean then said to him "what did you just about the world finally being rid of hunters." And then a second later Dean open fire unload his hole clip of bullet right into Jake no missing a single shot and then the last one hit Jake right in the head and as soon as the bullet stopped Jake instantly fell to the ground and then Dean and Bobby then walked over to him and Dean then said to Jake body "that's for my brother you son of a bitch." Bobby then picked up the Lance and they both then left the room to go and find Jo and Ellen.

It didn't take then long to find Jo and Ellen but when they did find them and when they saw Ellen holding Jo in her arms both Bobby and Dean looked at each other and then started to run over to her and when they got their they both neat down next to Ellen and just looked at Jo's body and then a couple of minutes later Bobby manager to get Ellen of Jo so Dean could pick her up so they could leave the museum and once they got out side they started gathering wood so that they could give Jo a hunter funeral and it didn't take them long to get it all together and once they had places Jo body on the wood Dean pulled out a little gasoline that he always carried with him and sprayed it all over the wood and her body and then Ellen walked up to her and pulled out the salt and sprinkle it all over her body and once she had done she walked back to Dean and Bobby and then Dean pulled out the matches and holder them to Ellen and she just looked at him for a second while a couple of tears fell down her face and she then took the matches and pulled one out of the box and light it up and then threw it on Jo's body and she instantly went up in flames and they all then just stood their and watched her body burn. A couple of hours after the fire had stopped and Jo's body was ash they were all sitting outside the museum when Bobby said "how did it happen?" Ellen then said "we was fighting of Jakes Demons and feral Vampire when she got throw into a wall and that's when the Vampires closed in and before I could get their she was dead, so please tell me that Jo didn't die for nothing." Bobby then said to her "no she didn't the Lance is where Jo died I'll go and get it before we go." Ellen then said "good because it's time we kill Jake, Azazel and Lilith." Dean then said to get "we'll we can cross one person of that list." Ellen then looked at Dean and said "Jake is dead." Dean then said "yeah I killed him myself." Ellen then didn't say anything back to that and they all just sat their for a while longer.

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