Chapter 7

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Dean found Ellen in the back room and as soon as he walked in Dean said to her "Ellen we are going to make a move on Azazel are you in?" Ellen then just looked at Dean for a second and then said back "I'm in if the Angles aren't their." Dean then said "we need their help Ellen other we are all going to die." Ellen then said "we'll I'm sorry then Dean but this is the one time I won't follow you." Dean then said "please Ellen me and Bobby need you with us on this one, I mean don't you think we've all lost too much." Ellen then said "no Dean we lost way too much to even keep on fighting." Dean then said "I know how you feel Ellen because this is how I felt after I lost Sam but don't do what I did and give because when I did that we lost everything when I could of done something about it." Ellen then just looked at him and said "I don't think I'm that strong." Dean then said "yes you are, your strong that me, we need you Ellen you can do this." Dean then stopped for a second and then said "do it for Jo." Ellen then just looked at him and she then got up and said "fine I'll come but this is the last time Dean I mean it." Dean then said "if I'm honest with you think will probably be the last thing we are going to do as we can't kill Lilith as well." Ellen then said "yeah we can, we have the Lance." "Yeah unfortunately that won't kill Lilith as she more powerful than Azazel and the Angle went to find the Archangel Gabriel to kill her but he won't help us so killing Azazel is the last good thing we can do for everyone." Ellen then just nodded her head and they both then left the room. Once they got back into the main room Dean said "right so what's the plan hear, like where is Azazel?" Anna then said back to Dean "he is in the place where it all started Dean." When she said that he instantly knew what where she meant and he then said "the devils gate."

Meanwhile with Azazel he has just found Jakes dead body in the museum and when he got back to the devils gate Lilith was waiting their for him and when he saw her, she said to him "is he dead yet?" Azazel then said back "no Jake is dead instead." Lilith then said back to that "you've failed again Azazel, I don't want to have to do this myself because that would not make the king happy when he arrives." Azazel then said "I know Lilith and I will kill Dean Winchester before you break the final seal." Lilith then said "you better do as he is the last thing person left who could actually kill us." Azazel then said to that "yes I know that but when was the last time that Dean Winchester was a problem?" Lilith then walked up to Azazel when he said that and she then said to him "Dean Winchester has also been a problem that why I order you to hunt down all the hunters and kill them." Azazel then said "yes I have done five or take a few of them." Lilith then grabbed Azazel by the neck when he said that and she then lifted him up and said as she started choking him "yes but the few you have failed to kill includ Dean Winchester." Azazel then said as he was getting choked "I'm sorry I'll try harder." And when he said that Lillth then left got of his neck and he fell to the ground and he instantly started coughing and then Lilith said "you better be sorry Azazel because if you fail in killing Dean Winchester again I will kill him myself and then I will kill you." And as Azazel manager to get back up on his feet he said to Lilith "I won't fail again I will kill Dean Winchester this time, I will gather some demon together." Lilith then said "good because the final seal break tonight." After that Lilith walked off leaving the cemetery.

Back with the Angles, Dean, Bobby and Ellen, Anna then said "the plan is that we got to the devils gate but me, Castiel and Urial can not be seen so you lot will go in and take out Azazel and while that is happening we will try and hold of Lilith from coming to kill you all." Dean then said to that plan "well I'm not going to lie hear but that sounds like one easy plan." Urial then said to that "this won't be easy." Dean then looked at Urial and said "yeah I know I was being sarcastic." Urial then said back "this is not a time for you to be yawing sarcasm." Dean then looked at Urial and said "no I think it's the right time to use sarcasm as we probably all about to die anyway once Lucifer is free." Urial then just looked at Dean for a minute or too until Dean said to him "you really don't like me do you?" Urial then said to him "no I don't like you any human Dean." Dean then said "we'll you won't have put up with us for much longer don't worry, right let's get all out gear packed up again and move out." After that Dean said that Dean, Bobby and Ellen then grabbed all their gear together along with all the melted down Angle blade bullets they had and their own Angles Blade then selves and then Bobby took back the Lance Of Michael back of off Anna so that they could all then loaded up the Impala so that they could move out right away before they run out of time and once they had done all that they all got in the car and as Dean started up the Engine of the Impala for what was probably going to be the last time he rolled down the window as Anna walked up to it and Dean then said to her "good luck and please don't let her get of your grip other wise we're all going to die much soon than we think." Anna then said back to that "don't worry Dean we'll keep her occupied until you finish off Azazel, good luck." After that Dean then nodded his head and rolled up his window and they took off. Once they were gone both Urial and Castiel walked up to her and Cass said "do you think they will be able to do it?" Anna then looked at Cass and said back "I believe that they will be able to kill him." After she said that all the Angle then disappeared leaving just the sound of their wings as they flew away.

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