Chapter 1 - Emilia Rosier

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Note: Hi there! Thank you for giving my fic a chance. I enjoyed Severus Snape's characterisation and wish to explore more about his inner psyche and his action/reactions. I created the character, Emilia Rosier, and some other minor characters based on the people around me. Of course, the creation of the Harry Potter world and its characters are credited to J.K. Rowling. Should you wish to provide any feedback, those are definitely welcome! Thank you! :) I do hope you enjoy this work. I'll try to update once a week! (I do cross-post on AO3)

Do put in comments along the way, I really enjoy reactions coming from you guys!

I must admit the first few chapters are not my best work but if you could look beyond the writing mishaps and persevere, I think it gets better! 


The sky was dark and the air was foreboding. The full moon shone in all its glory, lighting the way. She hastened her footsteps. The shadows of menacing trees were cast over her as her feet met with the damp soil of the forest grounds.

A shot of cold air brushed her arms, sending chills down her spine.

Her senses were heightened.

A low, deep growl was heard in the darkness. Her footsteps slowed and she turned around.

Then it all happened so quickly.

The glint of sharp, shiny incisors were bared. She tried to scream but it got caught in her throat as she felt a sharp twinge on her shoulder blade.

She gasped.

Blood trickled down the marked wound. Her breath quickened. Her vision started to blur.

Suddenly, a familiar hand gripped her, "RUN! GO!"

She breathed shakily, turned on her heel and ran, "AHHHHH!"

Emilia woke up with a jolt. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, her hair damp. These bouts of nightmares were becoming frequent. It always stopped at that blood-curdling scream.

She ran a hand over her face."It's alright, just a nightmare. You're safe," Emilia quietly reassured herself.

Walking over to her windows, Emilia opened her curtains, letting the sunlight stream in. The comforting golden hue immediately brightened up her room.

Her room was huge and opulent, only expensive and handcrafted furniture was allowed in the Rosier Manor. Emilia closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

She walked towards her desk. A cream coloured letter was carefully laid out on it, a little crumpled around the edges, an obvious sign of her excessive rereading.

The letter was signed — 'Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts'

Emilia received it four days ago. Professor Dumbledore had requested her presence. It was for a job as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She was surprised, to say the least. After all, she was part of the Rosier family, a family known for their inclination towards the dark side.

She saw no reason for Dumbledore to even consider her. Having mulled over it for several days now, she remained uncertain. Emilia saw it both ways. It could be seen as some form of manipulation or the headmaster was simply desperate for someone to fill the position.

She also saw it as a chance to live her life according to her own terms and get away from the Rosier Manor.

She sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose before calling out, "Misty!" A familiar pop of apparition was heard.

A Rosier and Her Thorns  - Severus Snape x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon