Chapter 5 - First Day Tribulations

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Emilia woke up early that morning for she did not wish to endure another loud banging at her door. Though, she was certain that Severus would not try it again after getting his foot nearly squashed. She took a refreshing shower and dressed in lavender robes with pale blue embroidery. She put her hair up in a braided bun with a wave of her wand, securing it with identical silver pins.

She left her chambers and went to the Great Hall for breakfast. She took the same seat as yesterday, noticing that Severus was not there yet.

"So much for being an early riser," Emilia muttered.

A plate appeared in front of her. It was filled with a full English breakfast. There were sunny side-up eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms and beans. She ate heartily without the disturbance of a sardonic Potion Professor.

McGonagall rounded her chair, lightly squeezing Emilia's shoulder."Good morning, Emilia. Had a pleasant sleep?" The older witch greeted with a bright smile, taking the seat beside Emilia.

Emilia nodded, a hand covering her stuffed mouth. "Good morning, Minerva. I had a good rest. Did you sleep well?"

McGonagall sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose. "I was knackered. I had a bit of a drink last night."

"That, Minerva, is the understatement of the century," a low silky voice spoke up.

Emilia turned to her right to see Severus nonchalantly sipping his tea.

When did he get here?

McGonagall rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "Sod off, Severus. I do not need your snide early in the morning." She cleared her throat, a hint of pink coloured her cheeks. "I do, however, need your hangover potion. It tastes awful but I must say it is effective," she admitted.

Severus snorted softly. "Come to my office later."

Just then, owls began to swoop across the Great Hall, dropping letters, packages and the Daily Prophets to students and professors alike. A beautiful owl landed in front of Emilia holding the newspaper. She placed one knut into the pouch tied to its leg. The owl hooted at her, looking at her breakfast plate.

Emilia smiled and tore off a piece of bacon to feed the hungry owl.

"They are fed. It's just looking for sympathy," Severus said in a bored tone.

"I know. But the poor guy just needs a bit more for his flight back home, doesn't he?" Emilia murmured, patting the owl lightly. The owl gently nuzzled its beak against her palm, thanking her.

Oh shit.

Emilia suddenly remembered that she had to reply to her Grandaunt's letter. It totally slipped her mind.

She finished her breakfast without reading the Daily Prophet. It was always the same news anyway with Rita Skeeter's terrible writing. She stood up and began to make her way to the classroom. She noted idly that Severus had already left.


Harry Potter and his two best friends made their way to the Defense classroom. Hermione as usual was walking at a slightly faster pace, turning back once in a while to give both Ron and Harry a stare and urging them to hurry.

"Merlin, Hermione, we will get there. The classroom will not disappear," Ron groaned, hating that he had to attend an early morning class.

"Ronald Weasley! I want to be the first person to get there. Professor Moody is teaching and we can learn a lot from him. Now, hurry up!"

"Bloody hell," Ron muttered under his breath. Harry simply shook his head in amusement.

The Golden trio was indeed the first to arrive inside the Defense classroom. But, Professor Moody was nowhere to be found.

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