Chapter 18- Yule Ball (Part II)

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Trigger warning!

Emilia anxiously tapped her foot against the floor, waiting for Severus to return. She looked towards the dance floor and saw the students having a great time. Hermione was dancing away with Viktor and even Harry had become comfortable, though still dancing awkwardly with Parvati.

A sad smile curved on Emilia's lips as her gaze shifted to the plate of delicious treacle tart in front of her, instantly reminded of the time she had to feed Severus. Emilia looked up once more, hoping that he would come back and she could apologise for her words. But Severus was nowhere in sight.

Feeling disappointed, Emilia took the fork and speared into a slice of the treacle tart with greater force than she intended, causing crumbs to fly to her gown. Emilia sighed. She unsheathed her wand from her sleeves to clean up the mess.

"Ah, Professor Rosiee. Let me help." A voice came behind Emilia. She turned around to face Igor Karkaroff.

Emilia withheld the urge to roll her eyes and decided to be amicable. She was honestly too tired to correct Karkaroff, knowing that he was out to get under her skin. Emilia gave a small smile as Karkaroff promptly vanished the stains on her dress. "Thank you."

Karkaroff raised an eyebrow, he scanned the Great Hall, noting that Severus was not around. He gave a sly smile, knowing that it was his chance to finally have a dance with an exquisite, beautiful witch.

Karkaroff gave a courteous bow before straightening up. He cleared his throat and Emilia looked at him dumbfounded, she did not understand why he had yet to leave her alone. "I see that your date has unfortunately left you. It would be my pleasure to take over his place." His eyes had a salacious gleam, swimming with lust.

Emilia uncomfortably shifted in her seat, "I'm sorry, I do not feel well. I think I better retire." Emilia gave an apologetic look, hoping that Karkaroff would take the hint that she does not want to dance with him at all. Karkaroff pointed an accusing finger at Emilia; his face turned thunderous. "Why do you keep denying me?!" He bellowed, causing some heads to turn.

Emilia took a deep breath. It would not be good to have another commotion. "I don't mean to refuse you, Headmaster Karkaroff. It's just that I'm unwell. Excuse me," Emilia said politely. She stood up, wanting more than nothing but to leave. Karkaroff gripped her wrist forcefully, "You do not get to leave right now!"

Emilia frowned. Her cheeks burned with anger, how dare a wizard touched her as though she was some toy to be manhandled. With sheer strength, Emilia managed to wring her wrist free and gave Karkaroff a hard shove, causing the man to lose balance and stumble a few steps behind. "I said I wanted to leave!" Emilia did not wait any longer, she turned on her heels and strode for the door.

There was a small crowd observing the heated exchange between Karkaroff and Emilia. Most of them were whispering and throwing glances at a very embarrassed Karkaroff. He cleared his throat and stared at anyone who dared to spare him a glance. Once satisfied that everyone had returned to their own business, Karkaroff dusted off his robes. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he decided to follow Emilia. He made a promise to himself – make her pay. It would be fun, like a predator hunting unsuspecting prey.


Emilia walked along the empty halls of Hogwarts. She took a longer route to reach the Dungeons, hoping that the stroll would make her feel better. Emilia's thoughts went to Severus' reaction that night. she felt guilty that her words had caused him to pale and even rush out, ruining a wonderful night. Emilia knew that her words hit a nerve, she knew that feeling too well.

The idea that it was better to push people out before they could even invade one's space. A peculiar way of protecting oneself for fear that any exposure would leave them vulnerable. But, Emilia was not someone who would back off that easily. It would take a hell lot of pushing for her to even start giving up.

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