Chapter 23 - Jealousy, Jealousy

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Emilia woke up early that morning, the term had resumed for two days and she was already swamped. Professor Moody had taken leave for several days, without citing any reason. Emilia was tasked to cover his classes, which meant taking on the first through seven years.

However, with Severus' help, she managed to get through the long lessons, often filled with rowdy students and the numerous markings that she had to keep up with. Apparently, all Professor Moody did was to teach and hand out assignments but never marking them. Emilia was painfully greeted with stacks upon stacks of parchments on her desk, resulting in a huge mess in her office.

Emilia got dressed and left for breakfast in the Great Hall. The students, as usual, were excited for the upcoming second task of the Triwizard tournament at the end of the week which made it harder for most teachers to control them. It was, however, not a problem for Severus.

The students were taking bets on who would win the second round, most still supported Cedric whilst Harry was still shunned by some who disliked that he had yet again stolen the limelight. The Hufflepuffs were especially cold towards Harry, a contradiction to their usual warmness.

As Emilia walked down the corridors, the female students waved shyly at her while the male students were seen grinning widely. She would stop along the hallways just to have a quick catch up with her students. It was evident that Emilia was quite popular amongst the student population, known for her kindness and her genuine excitement for teaching. For the first time, she felt that she truly belonged. She dared say, even capturing the heart of one cold, dour Professor Snape.

Just then, Emilia noticed a woman with tight blonde curls, donning sickeningly green robes and high heels walking ahead of her. She carried a crocodile-skin handbag of similar colour. A stout man holding a camera was trailing behind her. Emilia narrowed her eyes, scrutinising the witch as she sashayed arrogantly into the Great Hall. She could recognise Rita Skeeter anywhere.

Emilia rolled her eyes and she quickened her pace into the Great Hall. She was sure that the Skeeter woman was up to something, probably scouting for ideas to write another scandalous piece. Just as she entered the hall, she saw that Skeeter had cornered Harry.

The boy looked irritated, having to constantly answer her questions whilst in the midst of having breakfast. Hermione and Ron, sitting by Harry's side, looked equally uncomfortable watching the Skeeter's enchanted quill scribbling furiously on the notepad, for sure writing something sordid.

Emilia strode up to the group, intending to get Skeeter away from Harry. Emilia's jaws clenched, in an attempt to remain professional. She tapped on Skeeter's shoulder, gaining her attention. "Excuse me, Ms Skeeter. If you could please let Mr Potter enjoy his breakfast, I'm sure that would be very much appreciated."

Skeeter turned around, her bejewelled spectacles resting on the bridge of her nose. She took her time, eying Emilia up and down in condescension. She clicked her tongue in disdain. "Oh, you must be Emilia Rosier. The new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

Emilia gave a nod. "Yes."

"Hmm. You're quite pretty. Nice hair, nice eyes. Nice hips, certainly childbearing worthy. Nice breasts." Skeeter's eyes widened. "Oh, do you have any children? Are there any charming pureblood wizards betrothed to you?" Skeeter asked, not caring that Emilia looked like she was about to hex her.

Emilia kept on a forced smile. "Ms Skeeter, your questions are inappropriate, almost bordering on the absurd. Does the Daily Prophet not have a proper journalist? Someone who does not ask asinine questions."

Skeeter looked like she had been slapped, her mouth opened to protest. "If you could please step aside from Mr Potter. Now. I'll not ask again," Emilia said impatiently.

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