Chapter 4

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After about 15 minutes, I finally found a frequency. Being hunched over the outdated radio made my back stiffen up. It was painful too. I stood up with a groan, and applied pressure to my lower back. The cracks went all the way up my back, and I sighed in relief. Then I realised that I was actually missing what the radio was saying, and I began to listen.

"The lab reports claim this virus is actually a mutation of a lab-created variety that was designed to fight viruses and bacteria. It is highly contagious and any contact with body fluids will spread it. Many people reported having a migraine minutes before they turned, but otherwise, there are no symptoms until the seizures hit."

No symptoms? I was pretty sure that blood was a body fluid... I had sliced off Ivan's head! Blood went everywhere! I stumbled to the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror very carefully. There. A spot of blood, right on my earlobe. I grabbed a flannel, and placed it under the tap at the highest temperature. I covered it in anti-bacterial soap, and viciously scrubbed at my ear.

Ivan's blood was darker than normal. I dropped it in the sink. That flannel, now had the zombie virus on it. Just an innocent-seeming flannel. No wonder it spread so quickly. I sprayed deodorant on it, the sharp fumes stinging my nose.

I  grabbed a box of matches from the cupboard under the sink, and took one out. With shaking fingers, I struck a match. I dropped it on the deodorant-covered flannel and watched it burn. My smoke alarm was not getting repaired any time soon, because jobs were now invalid. It made a couple of weird popping sounds, and then burned. The smell of deodorant slowly disappeared, replaced with the smell of chemical smoke.

After I had finished burning zombie blood, I went back to my new room,  and sat down on the spare bed. I thought over my options. The radio was still repeating the same message, but it was better than silence. I couldn't access the stairs, because there was a dead zombie.

So, I finally uploaded! I have a set schedule now, so expect a new chapter at least twice a week. Maybe even three times! I am now on summer break, but I left my alarms on, and I woke up at 6.45. I hate that.


A Different Virus: Heartfire (Ace's Story) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now