Chapter 8 - Disguise Dipshit

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I feel like, not wanting to make anymore headers so please bear🐻 (puns?) with my average POV switches

I'm not all about that "previously" stuff cause it confuses me sometimes so please just reread a bit of the previous chapter if you're behind or confused.


Bruce POV

I watched as Damian spun in a circle gracefully before bowing and placing a smirk on his face, and suddenly everything became clear.

Dami: The one and only.

Bruce: ....

Bruce: You look, Beautiful Damian.

A look of surprise crossed his face before returning into a delicate smile and in that instant guilt, rushed through my body.

I wish I had saw it earlier, I wish I knew that my baby boy was actually this beautifully confident. I wish I could've been a better father, a better protector.

Though I have clearly failed at my job, this young man standing infront of me has clearly become much more than I ever could.

That and I would never to be able to pull off a dress like he could.

As of reading my thoughts Clark, gently placed his hand on my shoulder, shock still evident in his eyes as he gave my cheek a reassureing kiss

Beastboy POV

Garfield: Damn, He's got legs for days~

I whispered to Jaime who was standing next to me, everyone still seemed to be in a state of shock except for the big bad Bat. Who knew he could pull of something like this.

I watched carefully as guilt crossed over my fathers face his husband gently reassuring him as I averted my eyes

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I watched carefully as guilt crossed over my fathers face his husband gently reassuring him as I averted my eyes.


I coughed out getting everyone's attention.

Dami: Where are the three idiots?

My eyes wandered hoping to catch sight of them but the longer it took the faster I gave up, I'd probably see them inside later so I'm not to worried.

Bruce: Inside. Remember, all you need to do is lure him in. Nothing else, because if he does anything to you I'll be cutting his dick off.

Grateful for the mask hiding my eyes widening in surprise I almost chocked on my spit, I don't think he meant to say that last part out loud.

Clark: BABE! you said that out loud...

Bruce: So what? It's true isn't it, you'd probably melt it off before I even got the chance to do anything though.

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