Chapter 3 (Unknown animatronic)

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⚠Bruises (?), blood⚠

Meanwhile with Wilbur and Techno

Wilbur is sitting on one the seats in the pizzeria. It's 3 PM and Tommy hasn't come home. He supposed to come home at 2:30 PM.

"I'm worried..." Wilbur says with a worried tone. Techno looks up from cleaning the table.

"For who or what?" Techno asks. Wilbur sighs and stands up from his seat.

"Tommy of course! Who else?" Wilbur responds. He is worried sick. Techno sighs and keeps cleaning the table.

"He will be here. Maybe he has extra class after school. Who knows? Besides, you gave him a deal that you will give him free pizza and let him watch his favorite animatronics." Techno says as he finishes cleaning the table. Then the glass door opens. Wilbur jumps from his seat, expecting Tommy but instead, it's Ranboo and Tubbo. Wilbur stands up straight and make himself look casual and calm.

"Hello kids, welcome to the pizzeria! How may I help?" Wilbur asks, hiding his worried voice.

"Oh hi sir, we just wondering if this is Ranboo's and Tubbo's family fun pizzeria?" Tubbo's asks.

"Ah yes, you kids are here." Wilbur replies. "Are you guys Tommy's friends?"

Tubbo and Ranboo nod. Wilbur sighs in relief that Tommy has friends so he could ask them how's Tommy been doing.

"What are your names?" Wilbur asks.

"I'm Tubbo and this is Ranboo." says Tubbo.

"Holy dang, you guys have the same name as those guys on the stage!" Wilbur says as he points to the animatronics on stage.

"By the way where's Tommy? Do you know where he is?" Wilbur asks. Before Ranboo could answer, the glass doors open and at the door, it's Tommy. He is covered in bruises and blood. Wilbur gasps and runs towards him giving a hug.

"TOMMY! I'M SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Wilbur asks with a worried tone.

"I fell but I'm fine." Tommy answers.


"Wilbur." Technoblade speaks up. "Tommy, here's your fresh clothes and bandages. I tell Philza what will happen."

"Techno please, don't tell him.." Tommy says. He doesn't want Philza to worry about him. Techno sighs.

"Fine but at least tell me what they look like so you be safe with us."

Tommy tells Techno about Purpled, Jack, Karl, and Quackity. Techno nods and gives fresh clothes and bandages.

"Here take this and also take the wet towel with you. Don't press the wounds too hard, it will caused pain. Just do it gently so you won't feel pain."

Tommy nods and goes to the bathroom. Wilbur sighs and looks over Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Sooo where do you guys want to sit down?" Wilbur asks. Tubbo points to the table he wanted to sit and Ranboo agrees. They both sit down and look at the menu.

"May I have cheese pizza?" Tubbo asks. Wilbur nods and takes the note.

"Big or small?"

"Uhhh Ranboo, do you want cheese pizza?"

"Mmm no thanks. I think I want pepperoni pizza but small."

"Alright I take small cheese pizza."

Wilbur nods and takes a note. As he's about to leave, Tubbo gently grabs his wrist.

"How about Tommy?"

"Ooh don't worry, I know what he wants."

Wilbur walks away from the table and goes to the bathroom. He knocks the door and Tommy opens.

"Hey Tommy, do you want pizza?" Wilbur asks. Tommy smiles and says yes. Wilbur smiles slightly and pets Tommy's hair. Tommy walks over to the table where Ranboo and Tubbo sit.

"Hey you okay?" Tubbo asks.

"Yeah I'm okay. Soo what do you guys order?"

"I ordered small size of cheese pizza and Ranboo ordered small size of pepperoni pizza." Tubbo replies.

"Awesome!!" Tommy smiles. The table becomes silent until Ranboo speaks up.

"Hey... What is that?" Ranboo system as he points to the green and blue box. Tommy and Tubbo look at where the box is.

"We should check it out." Tommy suggests. Ranboo and Tubbo agree and the three walk over to the blue and green box. They heard music. A soft and gentle music that will make you relax.

"The music.. It's so relaxing.." Tubbo says. Tommy knocks on the box cover gently. The unknown animatronic appears and looks at Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo. They stare at each other until Tubbo speaks up.

"YOOO THIS ANIMATRONIC IS AWESOME!!" Tubbo exclaims. The animatronic has brown hair, blue with dark blue strips hoodie, a green scarf, brown eyes, and a brown spot on the left eye.

"What's his name?" Ranboo asks. Tommy nerve seen this animatronic before even though he's been in the restaurant for more than 2 years.

"His name is MegaPvP"

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo jump in shock as they heard someone answers Ranboo's question. They look back and it is Techno.

"He's been here for long before Ranboo and Tubbo exist. I mean the animatronics, not you guys." Techno explains. "He's not really that popular since he's not used to a lot of people but he be alright. Hope you guys like him."

With that, Techno left. The three friends look back at the animatronic and MegaPvP gives them presents.

"Take it.. It's for you three... You guys are the only one who noticed me..." MegaPvP says in a low voice but can be heard by Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. MegaPvP goes back inside the box and the three look at their present.

"I wonder what it is... What do you guys think?" Tommy asks. Tubbo and Ranboo shakes their heads.

"Kids, pizza here!" Wilbur shouts. The trio goes to their table and eat their pizza. They watch the animatronics, Ranboo and Tubbo, performing on stage. As you can see, Ranboo is half enderman and half ghast with a long tail that has fluff at the end of it with green eyes on the right side and red eyes on the left side. He wears a formal suit with a red tie and long hair being tied like a pony tail. Tubbo on the other hand is a human form with goat features which appear the horns, tail, and ears.

"Tommy, when is your birthday by the way? We really want your birthday to be happy." Tubbo asks.

"Ooh it's 1 week from now." Timmy answers. Tubbo nods and continues eating his pizza.

"Why the animatronics' names are Ranboo and Tubbo?" Ranboo asks. Tommy begins to explain.

"Ooh when the animatronics arrived, we didn't know what to name them. We spent days of looking for the name. The pizzeria hadn't been fully opened yet at that time. Wilbur and Techno looked for perfect names at the book that was filled with names. Philza asked neighbors to give him suggestions of good names but none of them were really fit."

"I asked my friends, well that time was before I met you guys, I was in my old school but I left because of moving here. They had no idea until I heard one kid ran up to their parents and scare them with a boo. Then I decided to play with words. The kid ran up to their parents and scared them with a boo. I called it Ranboo. For Tubbo, I found an old and broken bathtub in the garage. It was so dusty so I cleaned it with water then I saw the word 'Bo'. Not sure what it is but I called Tubbo. There was where I found the names and told those names to my family. My family agreed and named them with the names I found. Long story but it's cool."

"You're really good at playing words." Ranboo compliments him.

"Why thank you, Ranboo. Also I think we should make MegaPvP popular. Like Techno said, he was not really popular." Tommy says. "Here's the plan of we need to do."

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