E3: Independence Day

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Previous chapter: Gathering

Note: It won’t have any dialogue in this chapter.

July 4th


8 days later

It’s an Independence Day today, so the ‘Own People’ will celebrate tonight in the restaurant of  Sun & Bright Hotel in San Francisco. Over 300 hundred people are the ‘Own People’ members. However, only 48 people who can take a rest to go out to anywhere, only they must allocate to be 12 teams, 4 people per team. They have picked the 48 people like the picked the lucky draw. Of course, these 48 people would be the main characters of the every story. As the other people, some people will take care of Austin and Avery along with Stephen and Cherry, rest of the people have to take care of the all children and the pregnant women until the dinner time.

It will be 24 people in this chapter and another 24 people will be set on the another story.

2 – 3 – 6 – 7

Ashley and Janine

Sophie and Tanner

Jermaine and Brian

Erin and Alyssa

Andre and Alison

Jodie and Jessie

Laura and Tessa

Jeff and Jimmy

Susan and Matthew

Trevor and Andrea

Meghan and Lucas

Andrew and Sydney

These 4 teams will go to the places like the mall, supermarket, grocery, restaurant or else.

Today, I’m gonna introduce the disposition of the main characters. Tonight, the ‘Own People’ will make the announcement also new members to introduce themselves.

Ashley, Janine, Sophie and Tanner

Because 3 ladies and a gentleman, so the ladies ask Tanner many things especially about him and Andrea if he doesn’t mind to say which he does not really mind.

The New Area and People 1st main characters lead, 1st female lead.

Ashley, full name Ashley Callie Sinclair. She is a rich born girl, kind and pretty woman. she was under controlled by her grandfather along with her siblings. She used to be a no courage girl which it made her to get no friends at all until she met Rachel, Cherry and Hayes brothers and she just really got the true friends.

This story 8th main characters lead, 5th female lead.

Janine, full name Janine Claire Murray. She is a kind and pretty woman. She was hoped that she would have a brother but that didn’t come. However, she still got a big sister who always gave her the warmth just like parents gave her. Although she wasn’t always hanging out with Carmen and Connor when she was still a little girl but she would still look them as her siblings instead of cousins.

This story 4th main characters lead, 2nd female lead.

Sophie, full name Sophie Catherine Richardson. She is a kind and pretty woman. She would respect any people, always respect her parents’ decision while her parents never forced her at all. She just got Steven a big brother but they would still hang out with their cousins, 2 of them would be Sydney and Stephen. Her dream is being a success person just like her family and true friends.

The New Area and People 5th main characters lead, 2nd male lead.

Tanner, full name Tanner Carson Sinclair. He is a kind and handsome man. Accounting and everything about the bank would be his favorite since he was still a kid. Even though he got this mind but he never be proud by his grandfather. But still he would not give up and he knew he just needed to do his best with conscience. Also, sometimes he would like to have a mouth fight with her first little sister Meghan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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