Tales from the Fade (Lost Memory #4)

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From the Void to the Abyss of the Fade I call to thee...

Come forth...

Come forth...

Come forth...and I shall tell you the tale of such a Fade. I shall tell you the tale...of Lord Exer-mon.

Roughly 252 years before the fall of the Galactic Republic, an ambitious Separatist from a wealthy family on Secundus Ando fought to appeal to the Galactic Senate and his constituents

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Roughly 252 years before the fall of the Galactic Republic, an ambitious Separatist from a wealthy family on Secundus Ando fought to appeal to the Galactic Senate and his constituents....the Harch was called Chronden and a strategic and powerful man was he...too powerful in fact.

His own Separatist rivals saw his intelligence as an obstacle that had to be stifled. Chronden's caught wind of this coup and, in a fit of rage, devised a  plan so devastating that it just push his name up on his planet as a martyr for his cause.

While he invited all his council and rivals to his home, his plan was to destroy his own estate with everyone along with it. Chronden's plan almost work..except one person survived the horrific explosion...himself.

Confused and dying...Chronden met the one who saved him from his own orchestrated death...the Mother. She spared his life just so she could end it herself. She scourged him as he descended into the Void of the Fade for his willingness to throw away his intellect for those who didn't deserve it in the first place.

Chronden was shown the ways and secrets of the Fade and was reborn as Lord Exer-mon....who instantly became one of the main Voices of the Fade because his vast knowledge of the Fade he grasped.

Despite all his "blessings" from the Mother, Exer-mon still severely punishes himself for destorying his own family, legacy, and future on his planet. That guilt has become the fuel to his fire...a fire so deady it makes that all who oppose him experience pain like never before.

All enemies of the Fade will fearfully live to regret ever crossing the mind of the genius of Lord Exer-mon.



Sleep...and we shall return.

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