Side Episode 6 "In the Trenches"

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(Several days after Lothar being court-marshaled under Captain Kylik, he was sent out to get started with his mandatory hours. Most would complain of their current circumstance, but not Lothar who went about working with smirk on his face.)

Marcy: We reached a solid spot in this side of the jungle. (raises her visor and checks her scanner) Let's hold for now. We're ahead of schedule anyway. (Her cell stopped marching)

Lothar: Roger that. (stops walking and inspects his gear) Where's Paider's cell?

Marcy: (points west) He should be on that side, coming up in a matter of minutes.

Lothar: Alright. It would be great if he kept up.

Marcy: (grins and closes her eyes) Not a race, Lothar. You should know by now that this line of work can't afford oversights.

Lothar: Heh, ironic.

Marcy: Oh? Something you wanna say?

Lothar: Then why'd you drop your suppressor 2 klicks back?

Marcy: That was for you to notice...and you didn't disappoint. But the real question is, why didn't you say something right away?

Lothar: I'm not responsib- (stops)

Marcy: (raises her eyebrow) Sure you wanna finish that statement?

Lothar: Sorry. I know. I know. I'm just used to taking care of myself...and if someone else messes up, then it's on them.

Marcy: Lothar, when you're on a team, a unit, a cell...or anything, it doesn't matter how strong the best are. The enemy will always go for the weakest link. What you said is true, yes, it's on them for screwing up, but it's also on the whole team in the long run.

Lothar: I understand. Like I said, I'm just not used to having a team. I usually work alone with my dad.

Marcy: (checks her gear) And I'm sure with him, your roles on a mission are clearly defined...but the principle doesn't change. When a member takes a hit, the whole team takes a hit.

Lothar: (smirks) Well...I knew that you knew that I knew that you dropped your suppressor. So I didn't fret, cuz it had to have been for a reason..... So there.....

Marcy: (looks serious) ....(laughs) Wow, Vice.

Lothar: (smirks and holds his hands out) I can do this alllllll day.

Marcy: I can tell you're used to only "winning" arguments growing up.

Lothar: I know when I mess up...but I never lose.

Marcy: (chuckles) Have you...ever been around a kid your age before coming to Fadis?

Lothar: Bah! What kind of question is that?

Marcy: (still looks at him waiting)....

Lothar: (slightly blushes and looks away)....No...

Marcy: (laughs) I figured as much. You're only used to being around adults. Aren't you?

Lothar: (acts bashfully) And...what's wrong with that? (Blinks quickly) I...always aim for bigger fish anyway. I've beaten plenty of adults too ya know.

Marcy: (laughs even harder) Oh my gosh, Lothar, you're actually pretty funny once you put down your "I'm an extreme deadly weapon" persona.

Lothar: (blushes hard) I-it's not an act. Imma a born fighter. Y-y-you think I'm a joke?

Marcy: (calms down from laughs) Oh, heaven's no. Perish the thought. You can't make up someone like Lothar Vice. He's too one of a kind. (Uses her hands) I can see you've been wound up so tight, that anymore would break you. Our line of work is serious business, but that doesn't mean you can't show your personality.

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