Side Episode 8 "Standing with my Heart"

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(Opens up several years in the past, with Skylar MoMu and young Luna Nexer on the run in a forest.)

Skylar: (scans a huge log) It's hallow inside. Get in.

Luna: (pants and climbs in the log)....

Skylar: (breathes) We for a minute. We should at least be an hour or two ahead of them. (Checks outside the log) But we'll still have to make it to the next city, we'll need to go the city past the next city, before nightfall.

Luna: (pants)...

Skylar: The First Order will be combing these woods we'll have to keep moving.

Luna: (closes her eyes)....

Skylar: Let me see your head. (Checks Luna's head) You're bleeding. (Rips part of her shirt off and ties it around Luna's head.) I wish I could do more, but....that's all I can right now.

Luna: .....

Skylar: Luna, talk to me.

Luna: (tears up)....I was so alone.

Skylar: Hey, hey, I'm right here. Don't worry.

Luna: I'm so scared. (sobs) I'm sorry, Skylar....I'm so very sorry! I dragged you into my family problems. It's my fault.

Skylar: Hey, don't say that.

Luna: (her voice trembles) They just...came out of nowhere and-and attacked daddy...and mommy and...I didn't know what to do. Now you've lost everything because of me.

Skylar: (hugs her) Shh, shh, shh, it's alright, Luna. I'm glad we found each other when we did. Had you stayed there, they would've gotten you too.

Luna: they're after you too, because of me. (Hugs Skylar tightly) Why do they hate us so much? I'm so sorry, Skylar.

Skylar: Luna, what's done is done, and we can't change that. What matters now, is what we do from here on out. Us...together. We must find the Jedi.

Luna: (sniffles) The Jedi?

Skylar: Yeah. They're friends with the Resistance. We'll be safe there. You know the strange things we've been feeling?

Luna: (nods) Yeah?

Skylar: They can help us understand what it is. We just have to get to them.

Luna: But Skylar, I've only had dreams about being with them. What if they don't to help us?

Skylar: They will. They search out for people like us. We're gonna be okay.

Luna: But...I know you hurt leg back there from the falling rocks. What if...what if we don't make it?

Skylar: (looks into her eyes) Look at me, Luna. You have to be strong now. I know it's what your parents would want. It's what I would want...but it's gotta be something you want too. You gotta fight for it. (Points at Luna chest) You hafta make a stand for it...with your heart, and believe it.

Luna: (wipes her eyes)....

Skylar: I don't see us dying in these woods, Luna. You know what I see? (Smiles) I see two best friends...all grown up. And they're standing alongside the other Jedi helping others who were just like them.

Luna: (realizes) That...that was your dream that you never got to tell me earlier.

Skylar: (nods)...

Luna: My dream was just like that...I didn't understand everything, but now I was you leading the group, and I was there too. (Sniffles and smiles) We both had the same dream.

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