Side Episode 1 "Son to Father"

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(Right after Scythem's explosive moment with Lothar at the dining hall during Episode 13, Lothar went into his private room on the other side of the temple.)

Lothar: (stares at the rain)....

Scythem: (steps in his room) Lothar-

Lothar: (slowly turns around)...

Scythem: Lothar, what was that nonsense you pulled back there?!

Lothar: I said what was on my heart.
Nothing more...nothing less. That's what you always say to do, isn't it?

Scythem: That wasn't from your heart, that's was from your mind. And you knew it would sting. (Sighs) Lothar, how long do you intend to keep making Grace and her daughters feel this way?

Lothar: I. Don't. Like. Grace! Sure we came to a mutual agreement...but that doesn't dictate how I truly feel about her presents at all. She weaponizes her emotions more effectively than Tel-mon himself.

Scythem: (shakes his head) You're wrong. How can you even say something like that?

Lothar: She captured your heart didn't she? I found out she loved you even before you came back. It's sickening! She's captured everyone in her net...but she's not catching me.

Scythem: Son, Grace and Katie have done more for me AND you than you know. They both care about you too.

Lothar: (rolls his eyes) Yeah, of all the people to have to count would be people like them-

Scythem: (puts his foot down) And I refuse to let you disrespect them like that anymore. You will not be hateful to them. That's not what we do. Enough is enough. They've been with us in the highs, they've been with us in the lows. We are in this all together.

Lothar: (looks away) No we're not....

Scythem: What did you just say?

Lothar: I said No we're not.

Scythem: (rubs the corner of his eyes) You don't need to erect walls for me, Loe. I allowed you to speak freely at anytime, so do so now.

Lothar: (inhales and stands up) How can you say we're in this together, when you left me...left us.

Scythem: (exhales) Lothar....we've discussed-

Lothar: I'm not talking about when you left me for 11 years...I'm talking about after finally being together for around 2 years, you suddenly leave me for her.

Scythem: That's not true at all.

Lothar: And not only that, but you just up and quit what we were doing all that time.

Scythem: Those are missions, son. Missions that we can resume-

Lothar: I'm talking about OUR bond! Doing missions with you was me BONDING with you. You wanted to drop our time together to help her in need? Sure, I'm an understanding individual...not some stupid teenager that has to have his way all the time. Fine, let's go help her.

Scythem: Lothar.

Lothar: Then you started throwing certain looks her way and acted like I wouldn't notice? Fine whatever, flirt all You want. It does not concern me.

Scythem: Lothar....

Lothar: You wanted to stay behind with her until she woke up after the crash on this blasted planet? Okay, fine. I'll wait, then we can get back to our missions and true purpose.

Scythem: Lothar-

Lothar: Then you suddenly admit to have feelings for her?! (Confused) What?! And then you suddenly want to start a new FAMILY with her mess of a family?! (Shakes his head) No, I'm sorry, that's where the line is drawn. How do you expect me to possibly-how can YOU possibly fall in love with the woman who's very daughter killed MY mother?! Your wife!

Scythem: (tries to listen) Lothar, this isn't something-

Lothar: My mother was the only family I knew for years...and then the Skywalkers took her away from me. I made a vow to keep my family deep inside my heart and hold them close no matter where we are in the galaxy...but now, they're not just taking my father...he's willing given himself over to them too. (Sniffles) How can my dad, who's just come back for like 2 years decide just to throw our life's work out the window for someone like...her...for a family like that!?

Scythem: ....

Lothar: (points at Scythem and wipes his eyes with fury) And that's why there will NEVER be a connection with me and her. Ever!

Scythem: (listens)...

Lothar: How could you have forgotten your own wife? You have the strongest connection to the Fade alive. Why... of alllll people to chose the murderer over our very family that she murdered?! I did my best to overlook this, but I cannot ignore this anymore. (Cries and gets softer) I miss mom...I loved mom...but dad...(holds out his hands) why? Why does it seem like YOU don't miss her?

Scythem: (looks away) After all they've been through, Grace needed something to lift her spirits again. She deserved it.

Lothar: So that's why then? It was just payment...Compensation for helping me and I-C9. That's why you brought the assassin back...and some rando that I don't anything about?

Scythem: (shakes his head) Her name is June...and you saw how penitent she was because of her actions. She wants to make things right...just like the rest of us.

Lothar: (balls his lips and looks away)...

Scythem: (puts his hand on his shoulder) Son, I will say it, I love Grace and the kindness she and the others have shown to us. I know I of all people don't deserve anything. They're good people, Lothar, who care about you and will fight to protect you just as I would. The least you can do is show some respect, Loe.

Lothar: (breathes) If I must, I will fight along side them against evil and all that...(shakes his head) but I will never love her, nor can you make me.

Scythem: (exhales) Where did I go wrong?

Lothar: Why do you think I've been training in the Fade as hard as I have? Why do you think I strive to surpass you and all you've done? Why do you think I'm deadset on returning to our missions? It's because I'm learning what I need so I can bring back-

Scythem: (quickly stops him) Lothar...I know this doesn't sound right to you...but I...don't really want you using the Fade anymore.

Lothar: (his mouth drops) You-you can't be serious...

Scythem: I know. I know what you're thinking....but this isn't a matter between you and me. (Looks out the window) Something else is at play here. Something about this place is calling me towards the Fade in a great magnitude. It may be because of the level of Force energy the Jedi have cultivated here, but I don't know for sure.

Lothar: (his voice breaks) I don't believe really have thrown everything away we've worked so hard for.

Scythem: I told you, Lothar, it isn't about us. I haven't even used the Fade much at all recently. It's all even...cloudy to me.

Lothar: Cloudy? Why? Is it because of "love"?

Scythem: (deflects Lothar's verbal jab) You are a smart boy, Lothar...and a gifted student, but I need you to trust me on this. Please. Honor this request from me.

Lothar: (closes his eyes and pauses for a moment) I'll start honoring you...when you start honoring our family again.

Scythem: (says nothing)....(stands up and nods sadly) I'm sorry, Loe. I'll talk to you again soon.

Lothar: (grabs his mom's staff and goes bacl to the window)....

Scythem: I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I've made and end up doing something rash that will haunt you for rest of your life. Please heed my words, son. (Goes to leave) And please remember... I love you, Lothar...more than anything. (Leaves)

Lothar: (thinks to himself with watery eyes) Sometimes I don't even think you do. (Clutches his mom's staff tighter)

End Episode

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