Side Episode 10 "Battle of the Minds"

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(Within the chamber, Masters Luke, Lynx, and O'mingdor were doing their best to mask themselves, feel out the enemy, and strengthen the others while in meditation.)

Lynx: (closes his eyes)....

Omingdor: (strains)....

Luke: (tries to find the enemy)....where are you? The Force reveals all.

Voice: All except the truth.

(Using the Force, Luke was able to pinpoint where the Voice came from and spiritually found himself standing in a foggy valley of some kind on Fadis.)

Luke: And I thought the Dark Side loved to hide themselves.

(He tried to push the fog away, but it simply returned.

Luke: I'm not here to fight.

Voice: I know you're not...Luke Skywalker. (Out of the fog stepped Exer-mon) For fighting would be futile.

Luke: Who are you?

Exer-mon: I am Lord Exer-mon. The Third Elder Child of the Fade.

Luke: So, I take it you're the mastermind of the group then?

Exer-mon: And what makes you say that?

Luke: Because you're the first leader that we've spoken to that hasn't dropped a moon from what I've heard.

Exer-mon: (laughs) That is little sister Aria for you.

Luke: You chose not only to speak but also to reveal yourself to me. You must have something grandiose to say.

Exer-mon: (summons a chair) Impressive deducting skills. Truth be told, I always felt something of a kinship with you, Skywalker....being a visionary amongst a sea of imbeciles.

Luke: (chuckles) Well, I wouldn't go that far. While it is good to push limits, it is also good to others pull us back to reality.

Exer-mon: Wise words indeed. You keep it real, so let me keep it real with you real quick. While no one truly knows the full extent of the Mother's plan, I know enough to warn you that you better be ready for when your vapid world comes crashing down.

Luke: Heh, I've heard that before. I can't tell if this action is done out of overconfidence or ignorance.

Exer-mon: Call it whatever you like, your doom is inevitable. And there's more.

Luke: More?

Exer-mon: (appears behind him) The Mother will soon come with her Elder Children...and the one beyond them. The one that would be called the Prize Child.

Luke: Prize Child?

Exer-mon: There is nothing the Mother cares for more than The Child. Great and terrible things are soon to come in way of The Child.

Luke: (confused) And you're willing tell your enemy all of this? Why? This is a hefty bet you're placing on your side winning.

Exer-mon: (walks beside him) All the chips are down. Even if I am eternally punished by the Mother for this, it changes....nothing.

Luke: You seem eternally fixed on your if you already know all that can happen.

Exer-mon: Everything that has happened up until now, has been planned and orchestrated by the Way of the Fade. The Voices and the Serpents have been hard at work preparing for the absolute destruction of those who face us. It wasn't hard, and it's thanks to your weakness.

Luke: My weakness? I'm afraid you're mistaken. Seeking guidance from the Force is not weakness.

Exer-mon: That's where you err, foolish Jedi. (circles around Luke) Just as too much of anything can make you an addict, so does everyone carry their weaknesses and mistaken them for a dreams or goals...only to be broken by the unbending reality of an unforgiving galaxy.

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