Side Episode 12 "Crossing the Line"

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(After traversing in the snowy jungle for what felt like days on end, Mara and her unit did their best to keep their wits about them as some could not mentally take the whispers all throughout the jungle.)

Qil: Master, this jungle has made it hard for me to see a clear path with the Force. Surely we must be getting close by now. Right? (Sees her still moving forward) Master? Master?

Mara: (looks back) Something tells me we've already been there.

Qil: What? You mean we're going in circles?

Trooper#3: More like we're pretending we're lost...still doesn't make sense.

Trooper#7: No need to sugar coat it. We are definitely lost. Our scanners are down and transmissions are jammed out here.

Mercenary#2: Plus...(whispers) I can hear them. Ohhh, I can hear the trees.

Jedi#2: So you hear them too? There are whisperings and voices talking in the the trees. (Points up)

Mercenary#5: I can feel something on the inside too.

Trooper#8: (grows more uneasy) They keep saying my name. How do they know my name?

Mara: (says nonchalantly and keeps walking) That's because they can read your thoughts and see your entire life through you memories. They are called the Voices of the Fade for a reason. This is why warriors are always trained to clear their minds.

(Many of the unit stood perplexed at each other.)

Trooper#9: She's too calm about all this. How do we know we're not walking into a trap?

Mercenary#5: Better yet, how do we know she's not leading us into a trap?

Trooper#5: Yeah...devoting all your life to studying these things, can't be good for your head. She could be its a parasite's host, without even knowing it.

(More mumblings went among the soldiers.)

Mazi: Calm yourselves. I know we're all tired and confused, but we must trust Master Mara. She's our own way out of here.

Trooper#3: Yeah, I'm not buying it.

Trooper#5: She brought us out here to die.

Mercenary#4: (covers ears) Just get them out of my head!

Mara: Everyone, you may be troubled by all this. Believe me, I understand, but we will get to Luke Skywalker's ship no matter what. (Grows serious) Even if that means I have to go through all of you to get there...

Mazi: (shocked) But...Master....

Mara: (shrugs with a devious grin) Not that your lives mattered in the first place, so that fixes itself.

Trooper#3: That's enough for me. (Readies weapon)

Mercenary#5: We shoulda did this days ago.

Trooper#7: (delirious) We gotta kill her....

(As the unit readied their weapons to attack, Mara, who was outside the illusion, turned around to see everyone taking aim at her.)

Mara: It has to be around here some-Um, guys? What is the meaning of this? (Raises hands)

Trooper#2: Trying to kill us eh? Not if we do it to you first.

Mara: Oh no...all you, don't let the Voices win! They're feeding off your uncertainty and paranoia. I swear to you all, we will get out of this as a group. Please, don't do this...(tries to use the Force quickly)

Qil: Don't let her use her false powers! (Ignites lightsaber)

Mercenary#1: Death to the traitor! Death to the puppet!

STAR WARS SCARS OF SHAME: THE RPHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora