Chapter 4

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Time Skip [Morning]

Marinette's POV

Waking up from her slumber to the smell of food. What she thinks is pancakes, with some bacon. "Tiki, you up?" 

Yawning she answer "Yes, good morning Marinette." 

Once she finished stretching she got out of bed and went towards the bathroom with a new pair of clothes, to soothe her muscles from last nights akuma. Even though they've faced Gigantor multiple times, they were barely able to get the bracelet, hence having  a different lucky charm in the situation. 

Once done she turns the shower off and change into her clothes. She changes into blue high-waist jeans with a grey crew-neck over-sized shirt with the jagged stone symbol imprinted in the middle and a black and white flannel wrapped around her waist. Wearing white sneakers. Her accessories being a satchel she brings with her everywhere when she find inspiration for a new design and bracelets on both wrists.

3rd Person POV

She heads out of the guest room to the dining room making note to get some cookies for Tiki and the others, to find Anarka in the kitchen. "Good morning Anarka." 

She greets. "Morning Marinette."

 She responds back. "I was wondering if you guys had any chocolate chip cookies?" 

"Yes, theirs a couple of bags in the left top cabinet, next to the fridge, Luka and Juleka went to go grab some groceries down at the market." 

"Okay, thank you, also I won't be here for dinner, sleepover with the girls and sorry for coming on such short notice, family problems." 

"Okay, thank you for letting me know, breakfast will be ready in a few."

She nods and grabs the cookies exiting the kitchen, going back to the room. Once there she makes sure to close the door and block the windows with the curtains. Grabbing the miracle box from her bag she enters the code and lets the kwamis out. 

"Hi guys I brought some cookies with me for you guys to eat." They greet her back with there own hellos and thank her for the cookies heading back inside the box along with Tiki to socialize.

Time Skip [After Breakfast]

After breakfast she goes back in the room to grab her laptop from her suitcase going to Lukas room. 

*knock knock* 

"Come in" Opening the door she enters. 

Marinette POV

"Hey Luka I was wondering if you wanted to start helping me with the website, since I don't have much to do right now?" 

"Sure thing, lets get started." 

After a couple of hours the website was complete. Fist bumping each other " I can't wait to tell the girls about this, they are probably going to flip." she says examining the tabs of her website. 

Grabbing his guitar, strumming it "Yeah, Melody now we just wait for the commissions to come in."

Nodding she asks "Luka, when we first met you said that music helps you better explain things than using words, what did you mean by that?" 

" When strumming the guitar, each note is different, it helps me express my emotions. It helped a lot when I had a hard time socializing with others, but I'm improving." 

"Have you ever thought of making music with it? Like forming words into a melody." 

" I've tried a couple of times, but I haven't found the rhythm yet to the words." He says moving the guitar to the side and grabbing a notepad that had words written. 

Fixing The Broken Melody | LukanetteWhere stories live. Discover now