Introduction :)

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Hello you must be just as much of a fangirl as me. In that case welcome.

So im going to be doing a bunch of very bootiful imagines. Im gonna start of by just doing Thomas, Minho and Newt but if someone asks for me to do someone i might if i get time or remember.

The requests are currently open but if too many people request at once I will close them for a short amount of time just so i can manage them.

SO I know yall really hate long intros (There was a literal hashtag on tiktok to stop long intros) but i have to introduce myself so
Hi, Im Ella <3 idk how many of you wouldve looked at my profile before reading this but i doubt that very much so im a huge fangirl for Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Newt, no one will stop me.
If you choose to stop me or at least try im going to ask you this simple question.... How do you like death?
And honestly i wont actually kill you but i will give you a lecture on why it is very dangerous to stop me participating in natural behaviours like fangirling. 
Anyways thats me, your local comedian, Ella <3 (im a minor)
P.s. I hope you enjoy this, i might even include some dirty jokes for all your innocent minds ;) But thats a big maybe because i dont wanna get reported.

Anyway this isnt about me this is about our 3 hotties so lets get onto it :)

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