saving you- Minho (part 2)

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Finally sunset came, as soon as I saw the orange creeping into the sky I took a deep breath and heaved myself out of bed and wandered to the forest where Minho had asked me to meet a.... birdie?

In the distance I saw the flickering of lights, CANDLES!! I began to run at a slow pace, reaching the table in a shorter space of time than I wouldve if I'd walked. On the table were candles and two flower crowns. 'Well um okay... Im supposed to meet someone her- aaaah!' I thought as I felt hands around my waist,

"Minho?" I gasped, feeling his breath on my neck,

"Im your birdie!" He announced in a silly kind of way,

"Well where are your feathers then?" I asked sarcastically, placing my hands on my hips,

"I dont need feathers when I have this sexy hairstyle", He says and gestures to his hair, I reach out to touch it, knowing very well that it would annoy him but he doesnt fight my hand as it glides over his hair,

"Mkay so, Birdie what did you need me for?" I ask,

"I need to tell you something y/n. I love you", He says, it sounds cheesy as fuck when he says it, I blush,

"Oh um.... hahaha very funny", I laugh in a fake way,

"Aw fuck you, its not a joke", He says, he isnt in the mood for my sarcasm or jokes, 

"You actually love me?" I ask, I could never believe him,

"Of course I love you, of course, your the prettiest girl ive ever seen, your eyes are always sparkling with that familiar cheekiness, your so smart, smarter than I could ever be, Your giggle lights up the world, your smile is even brighter and your personality is warm and I know im immune but I still need a cure. Your my cure. You take me into a fantasy and I wish I could escape but I cant, you take me to a land of creativity and the best part of it is that your there, you. I love you", He says, Tears of happiness fill my eyes,

"Min, I love you, I would die tomorrow to save you, your the funniest guy ive ever met, your cute, your funny and you always have this look in your eye that your thinking of something to say. And your sassiness. I love your sassiness but most of all I love you", I say and throw my arms around him,

Suddenly, I hear a scream, 

"Oh fuck!" I whisper yell at Minho,

"OH FUCK INDEED!" He screams into the darkness. Out of no where I see a torch, it flickers a little bit and the holder of it shines it into my eyes. I begin to run. I could never be as fast as Minho but still I run. I reach the camp, I see the fire flickering in the darkness and everyone is around it, laughing and smiling. Except Minho. 

"y/n. Your back early", I hear Thomas say and see him get up,

"Someone. Scream. Torch. Blind. Ran", Is all I could gasp, puffed and scared for my life. For my Minho,

"y/n, your not making sense. Come sit down and get some water", He says as I follow him to the fire.

I take a sip of the water before handing it back to Thomas,

"Now are you going to tell me where the fuck Minho is?" He asks in what I assume to be a comforting way but it sounds aggressive and scared,

"We were talking and he confessed his love for me. I think we're a thing now but anyways I heard a scream. Where theres a scream there will be danger. Someone shone a torch into our eyes and then we began to run but I lost him. I dont know where he is", I manage to get out,

"We will find him in the morning if he doesnt show up", Thomas says thoughtfully, as if he is thinking out loud,

"No, he is out there and in danger. We need to find him. Tonight", I say through gritted teeth,


"Im not a child. I will go to bed when I want to", I say,

"Bed. Now!" He says and points towards where my cabin was,

"No Thomas", I say and stiffen up my body,

"y/n. Ive told you to go to bed", He grits his teeth,

"Your not my dad. I dont have a dad clearly so stop acting like one", I say and put my hands on my hips, trying to look more powerful,

"Im not going to listen to you anymore but you have to listen to me. Minho is out there, lost and we're here talking about sleep. Your going to go to that cabin and sleep. Im stressed out because he is my mate. I want you out of this. Its for your own good", He says. I roll my eyes. I want to hurt Thomas. I want him to listen to me. Im not a child and this better not be because im a girl.

"Fine then, Tommy", I say and roll my eyes, 

He stares at me as if im an animal or a turd on the bottom of his shoe. He stares at me in disgust as I walk away from him. I have hurt him. I shouldve never called him 'Tommy' but he was treating me like something im not and I was stressed too!!

"Fuck you", I hear him whisper but its not exactly a whisper when I can hear it,

"Fuck you too", I say under my breath, certain he cannot hear it and so what if he can.

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