saving you- Minho

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A/N: This might get confusing, I might do a part two so please pay attention if you wanna get invested in the story and you want to actually enjoy the story. Dont say I didnt warn you :)

*Your POV*

'Stupid, stupid love, stupid, its not even love. Its just a stupid little crush', I thought to myself, watching Minho walk past me. It had been at least a month since we had arrived at the safe haven and over that time my love for Minho had developed harder and harder. I was falling. I hated love. I had hated it since I could remember and I couldnt remember much obviously. Love always ended in a funeral if you were lucky but others who werent so lucky had it end in divorce. Both were not very happy topics. Minho made me blush every single moment of every single day and it was getting distracting. I sighed and walked down to the beach, away from everyone. Away from certain Distractions like a certain Someone. 

I plopped down into the sand and looked out to sea, the wind whipping through my hair. I couldnt help but smile, thinking of my prime topic... Minho. 

"y/n", I hear a very familiar voice say, the wind carrying it to me like a carrier pigeon,

"Minho?" I turn around and see him making his way to me. 

"I love you y/n", He whispers as his lips meet mine. We kiss passionately, I pull away and look him in the eyes, 
"How long have you loved me for?" I ask,
"Since I met you in the glade, my love, y/n", He whispers and pulls me in for a kiss.

We collapse on the ground and watch the sun go down, he kisses me every chance he gets but im not complaining.

"y/n. Have you even been listening this whole time?" He asks, 

"Aah shit sorry", I say. He looks at me as if he's proud im not using glader words as much,

"Ok well I suppose I'll repeat myself. A little birdie told me to tell you to find the table with the candles in the forest tonight as the sun begins to set. It doesnt matter what time just when you notice the orange and magenta sunset as usual, run for the forest. The table will be waiting. Dont fuss over your outfit either. The birdie says they dont mind what you wear because... you always look beautiful? Ok not my words so dont assume things. It was the shuck birdie mkay. Ok see you love....", He turns,

"Love?" I question him, raising an eyebrow,

"Yeah the birdie asked me to say that on behalf of them. Ok... well dont forget. The birds will get mad", He says.

I smile and wonder who the birdie is and why they wanted me to go to dinner with them... dinner. Could I even say this. Minho said that it would only be a table with candles. What a fire hazard but I wasnt complaining. If I had to hear Thomas make one more joke about how hard I would kiss Minho if I had a chance or have to sit by the fire while everyone calls me out everytime I blush or everytime I smile then I would go insane.

I rushed back to my hut and decided that I would lay down and wait for sunset.

A/N: Look out for part 2!! Love you guys, drink water and eat something no matter how big or small it is!! Bye!

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