Why you broke up in the first place

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Thomas- There was a lot of fighting between you two because you could never fight cranks out in the scorch and you were very cautious considering the fact that you werent immune. You never told Thomas this because you knew that the fact you probably had the flare and were slowly going insane and losing yourself would break him. He thought you were just lazy and selfish and thats when you guys decided to end the relationship. After this though you started deteriorating and saw Thomas so happy and healthy that it finally broke you and you could never speak to him again.

Newt- Things just didnt work out and he had slowly started losing himself. You couldnt bare to watch him die and go insane so you left him and the relationship drifted apart. Soon he met another girl but really deep down he wanted you back and he spent everyday wishing that this girl was you. It turns out that the girl and him both had the flare which meant that they would probably die together. That thought broke you but you kept it in and tried being happy that Newt was fine but secretly you wanted the deja vu to hurt him.

Minho- You broke up because you didnt have much motivation and faking yourself started to get really hard. You always put a grin on your face when you were about to break down and the relationship wasnt healthy because of that. When you stopped faking yourself as much Minho assumed that something was wrong or that you were just getting lazy so he didnt want any of it. You tried to explain it to him but he thought you were being stupid.

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