Lovers in the glade (Thomas part 2)

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A/N: I am just saying I will not ever try and write a fanfic in the dark at like 11pm again. Im not too happy with the first Thomas one I did so I will just continue off of what I did originally. I would just add on the same page but then if youve already read that part before I did this part you have to go back and blah blah blah. The requests are open so let me know in the comments. Lets get onto it!!

(This is straight off of what I did last night!!)
"I didnt think youd say yes", Thomas said, "Shush now, I did say yes. Want proof that im not messing with you?" I say. My lips meet his and we passionately kiss. It goes on forever. I couldve aged 100 years in the time I spent kissing Thomas. "Y/n I know ive said this but I love you", He says, "Thomas, I love you too", I say.

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