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"OI! Log! I think you're scaring her!" Ryan stated, slapping the back of Logan's head "C'mon Evi, we'll give you a house tour and show you your room!"

"Oh yes! Lets! I can't wait to show you your room!" Vicki gasped, grabbing onto Zack.

"Shouldn't I help your dad with Evi's bags?" Zack asked, turning to see Michael dragging my suitcases through the door. Vicki turned to look too and then shrugged.

"No, you have to be there for the big reveal!"

"Gosh, can you believe she's twenty-one!? Zack I think you'll need to do that background check again" Logan spoke, giving Vicki a smirk and nudging Ryan in the process. Ryan scoffed and then instantly stopped when he saw Vicki's glare. Vicki then shot Logan a dirty look.

Aunt Dorothea looked up as we passed her, going inside.

"GUYS! Don't bother Evianna too much!" she yelled behind us


Twenty minutes later, we finally opened the door to what was going to be my room. I held my breath as Ryan pushed open the handle and revealed the area inside.

"Oh my god" I breathed, taking in the scene before me; the walls were white with splashes of lilac, blue and pink. Right opposite was a tall, wide window overlooking what looked like... the backyard?

The furniture was arranged neatly around the room, a tall white bookcase sat completely empty, waiting for me to fill it up with all my books, a huge bed decked out in lilac and blue pillows was positioned to the left, surrounded by pristine white drawers and cupboards. A glass-topped desk was placed opposite the bed, the sunlight bouncing right off and casting bright shadows across the room.

"Do you like it?" Vicki asked from besides me.

"I love it" I breathed out, still taking in everything.

"Oh good!" She said, her tone sounding relieved. "I didn't know what colours you liked and I wanted it to be a surprise... it took ages to decorate but I think I got it perfect...."

"YOU got it perfect!?" Logan exclaimed "I was the one slaving away painting the walls white!"

Everyone except for Vicki chuckled, Zack placed a comforting hand on Logan's shoulder, keeping his own laughter at bay behind a very prominent smirk.

"And you did a very fine job! Remind me to recommend you to the local paint store!" Vicki quipped in response, causing Logan to scowl at her.

Once the boys brought in my bags and all my stuff from downstairs, Vicki helped me unpack. Once we were done, Aunt Dorothea called us down to dinner. I followed Vicki and came to a standstill when I reached the entrance to the dining room.

It was packed- not in a bad way...but it was so...foreign. Back home, it was only Grandmother and I at dinner, always had been. But here, there were at least ten other people. And it was loud.

"Evi? Come on, we've saved you a seat!" Logan yelled over the din, ushering me over and pointing to the seat next to him. I hurried over and sat down, not knowing what to do next.

A woman dressed in a pale pink apron jostled past, carrying what looked like a casserole dish. She placed it in the centre of the table followed by numerous other dishes and bowls.

I just stared.

"Well? Just staring at the food isn't going to make your hunger go away you know" Logan quipped from beside me. I scowled at him only for him to grab the lasagne and place a handsome amount of it in my plate.

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