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"Come on Evi, We need to get to the Office..." Ryan spoke, his voice slightly strained as he tried to urge me away. I frowned

"But Ryan-

"Come on!" He insisted, finally successfully dragging me away.

As we approached the entrance doors, I turned my head around, for a final glance, only to see a sleek black sports car sweep up next to the girls. The windows of the car were tinted, they gave nothing away of the driver sitting inside.


"American History?" I read out loud, just to make sure I was reading right.

Actually, it made sense. If we had to study British History back in England, then it went without saying that in America I'd have to study American History.

God, I hated history.

And why did I have separate classes for Trigonometry and, oh hell, Geometry?

This year was not going to go well.

"What are you reading?"

I turned to see Olivia standing there, leaning against the wall.

I scowled and held out my timetable "Trying to make sense of this- Everything is so different here in America!"

"Really?" She asked, taking the timetable and inspecting it "Oh! We have the same second, fourth and sixth periods!"

"We do!? Oh good! At least I'll know someone in the class- but look, eight periods. Back in London we barely had six"

"Six!? Wow-

The bell rang and all the kids standing around the hall began to hastily make their way to their respective classrooms.

I just looked down at my timetable and tried to figure out where I was supposed to be

"Here, let me help you. You're in the East just go right on straight and turn left. Your room should be on the right"

Olivia gave me a quick hug and then rushed away. I stood there staring at her back; eventually she disappeared around the corner, leaving me alone in the corridor.

I sighed and turned, repeating her directions in my head.

She'd said right, right?

I huffed, and considered. I was at the point where I could either turn left or right. I took a second look at the door numbers and then checked my phone once again for the time- phew, I still had two minutes...

A locker slammed in the distance, making me jump.

Startled, I turned towards the direction of the sound- It had come from the left corridor.

Furrowing my brows, I stepped forward, curiosity getting the better of me.

A figure leaned against the lockers in the distance, his stance faced away from me, his back being the only thing visible. He definitely was one of the students...but why was he still standing out here...

Damn, why was I standing out here!? I was going to be late- so convenient considering today was my first day...way to make a good first impression....

I turned, only to realise Room E7 was just opposite. Oh good!

I hurried over and opened the door, careful to keep my calm and act as if I hadn't just ran through half the school just to find this classroom...

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