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Evianna turned- only to see Olivia in deep conversation with the teacher.

Tampering down her impatience, Evianna made a face and settled back in her seat, preparing to wait for as long as she needed.

Curiosity eventually got the better of her and she heightened her senses and with a focused lens, scanned the rest of the class.

And then she sat back in shock.

There were fourteen girls in the class, excluding her and Olivia. Eleven were wolves.

If that was an average for the entire student population of Wolverstone Heights...

What the hell was Tristian playing at?

Or would the more appropriate question be...

Who the hell was he playing with!? 

* * * * * 


Exhausted and shattered, Evianna drove with Olivia back to the Dell'Aquilla House. First day of school had taken its toll on her.

She was fighting sleep, determined to stay awake to at least take in some of the picturesque Wolverstone landscapes that her grandmother used to rave on about.

But she was fighting a losing battle. The long day had proved to be work indeed.

"I promise, I'll only take a few minutes. I'll just put my books away, change my shoes and then we can go drop you off!"

With her eyelids shut tight, Evianna let out a small smile.

"You take as long as you want...."

Was it moments later, or minutes? Who knows?

Evianna didn't care because she was dreaming. Dreaming about her Grandmother.

She was alive and well and both of them were back in England. Grandmother was yelling at her for walking across the front lawn and she was rolling her eyes demanding to know 'since when has the grass become more important than your grandchild!? When?'

To which her Grandmother turned, shook her head and drenched her with the watering can.

A single tear escaped from Evianna's eye, just as Olivia shook her awake.

Her eyes popped open, stunned.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked, concern lacing her tone.

Evianna swallowed, and then looked around. She was still in the passenger seat of the car... except they were parked now in some kind of driveway.

Slowly turning her attention back to Olivia, Evianna nodded.

Olivia let out a breath of relief.

"Oh thank god! A tear came out of your eye and it got me worried because I thought you started crying... I wasn't going to wake you up but-

Evianna smiled and shook her head "It's okay... erm, are we at yours?"

Olivia's expression brightened at the change of topic

"Yep! Here is my humble abode!"

She gestured to something over Evianna's shoulder and Evianna turned... only to have her jaw drop down.

"Oh my god..."

"C'mon, let's go. We have to hurry so we can tuck you into bed!" Olivia piped out, getting out of the car.

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