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I've decided [Yet Again] on a name change! 

I know its really hard to keep up but i've used Olivia so many times i feel like the name's just losing inspiration for me! 

I's so sorry guys if i'm Confusing you! 

But OKay, Olivia ----> TEGAN 



The next day at school was relatively uneventful for Evianna. She'd avoided Tristian like the plague- surprisingly it had been easier than she'd thought!

She'd thought she'd catch sight of him sometime during the morning... but she hadn't. Then she looked around for him at lunch... and again he hadn't appeared.

By the afternoon periods, she'd pretty much given up thinking about him.

At least tried to.

Because the damned guy was always in her thoughts.

Him being her mate and all...

Ex-mate actually.

She'd heard the boys discuss him a few times during the lessons- or lunch... but that had been something to do with football...or ice-hockey... whatever. Evianna was still oblivious to what sports the school took part in competitively- something she would have to add onto her to-do list - alongside everything else.

Forget school sports, she still had no idea how American sports in general operated!

Anyway, Blaire, Tegan, Logan and Rob had all promised to explain the basics to her, just so she wouldn't stick out like a horribly clueless British thumb during one of the games.

Which brought another thing up; the school mascot was a wolf which was so appropriate considering majority of the town was populated by wolves...

She'd relayed this fact to Logan who'd just given her a stupid look. When she'd said the same to Tegan, it was nice to know someone appreciated her sense of humour.

Anyway, so at the end of the school day, Evianna was ready for home. Brianna and Tegan had already planned to take her around the area to get her more familiar with it and they had even managed to rope in the boys- who albeit reluctant, had still agreed to drive them around.

But both of them were currently stuck in football practice.

American Football.

Which was essentially rugby... right?

Blaire stood opposite Evi in the hallway and sighed the fifteenth time and then took another look down at her phone.

"He said four. It's four-fifteen"

"That's okay... Tegan isn't here yet either"

Blaire nodded "I know but I really wanted to get out as soon as practice ended so we could take our time showing you around! At this rate, it's going to get dark and we won't even be a mile out of Wolverstone"

Evianna straightened "We're stepping out of the pack boundary?"

"Oh no, don't worry; none of us are allowed to just up and cross the pack boundary without formal permissions- since we're still under eighteen"

"But you said we'll be driving out of Wolverstone..."

Blaire nodded... and then her lips kicked up at the edges in an amused manner "Wolverstone is only the heart of the pack Evi, the official pack boundary covers most of this state!"

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