When They Are Sick

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Hoodie-Talks a lot

Lui-Gets In a very cuddly mood and will literally hug everyone he comes by(but not Offender and he doesn't care if they get sick as long as he has a hug) once he slept on Smile Dog's back, because he was so fluffy

Jeff-Gets super quiet and starts to stare and throw knives at bugs he sees around the house(Slender actually thinks of Jeff like a baby when he is sick)

Masky-Sneezes and haves worst coughing fits than he did before

EJ-He would say random shit as if he was drunk, but he's not

BEN- Usually he doesn't get sick since he's a ghost, but when he does it's usually because of a virus from a game and it makes him glitch A LOT until he finds a way to fix whatever virus the game has

Sally-She's really sleepy and says random things in a sleepy voice

Toby-His Tics become more violent and he can't sleep at night, so if the Proxies are on a mission he is very tired when their on the move

Sully-Lets just say...He gets very clingy, weather it's to Lui or even Jeff, he doesn't realize he's being Clingy towards Jeff until he's better in all honesty, after seeing the way Jeff treated Lui after they found each other Sully has considered forgiving him

Nathan(The Nobody)-Steals a lot of the Other Pastas things

Kate(The Chaser)-She orders food, non-stop, Masky had to confiscate her phone once, because the whole manor living room was filled with Pizza, Chinese Food, Japanese Food Etc.

(Don't worry there will be more parts I won't leave out most Pastas)

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